Tru Luv

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(This is an Aphmau one)

One day while Aphmau was walking around da mall Aaron came up to her and said "Hey aphmeow you should come over to watch some animoo wit meh" Aphmau said "ye I will come over later today"While they were watching da anime Travis, Dante, and Garroth burst in the door as cats and started saying "Travlyn Fan Fics" Katelyn bust in and was like "nu" Den Aaron kissed Aphmau and they all ran away leaving just Aph and Aaron. When they stopped kissing they heard Kawaii-Chan say "Aphmau-Senpai" they looked around but couldn't see her. All they saw was a cat in a maids costume and a sign that said "will turn back when tru luv appears" Just den Zane showed up wit a cupcake and Kawaii-Chan turned back and took a photo of Aphmau and Aaron kissing, Zane and the cupcake getting married, and Katelyn and Travis kissing in da back. Kawaii chan passed out out of excitement. DA END

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