Oh, Alpha....

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Chapter One

I sat strait up sweating like I'd just ran ten miles. Damn dream was always the same, me running from something or someone only to be knocked down by it and caught in the end and then I'd just wake up. I wiped the sweat from my face, and with a sigh I grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower. Trying to shake off the dream I made myself a bowl of lucky charms and just as I finished it my phone rang.

I picked it up without looking because I already knew it was tony, by best friend since elementary school.

"Heya chicka" I answered as always, and as expected she made an annoyed sound "were are you?!? your gonna be late again Jessica" I laughed, which only made it worse, "oh just hurry Jess" I laugh again, "alright alright be there in 20."

I load up my horse, Sally, and head to the arena.

"JESSICA!" I hear tony yell and I look up laughing yet again because I know that tone all too well, "I'm hurrying jeez girl calm down, I'm not even late." she glares at me causing me to laugh harder, "I'm gonna go find a seat, you just be careful okay?" she's impatient and forceful but we are very good friends and I know as much as she loves watching me compete, she also worries ill get hurt. "You know I will

Chicka, see you shortly" I watch her walk away, shaking her head then turn to finish saddling Sally for the race.

I walk inside and am awed again at the number of people here, I mean we have big turn outs butt wow the last two days it's been packed. "Jessica Porter" I hear over the loud speaker, i hurry to get my mare into position and wait for the buzzer. "BUZZZZ" I give Sally a nudge. We get around the first barrel perfectly, pick up speed as we head towards the second and perfectly make it around that one also. I nudge her faster as we head to the third, she's doing really well and I have a good feeling about this race.

As I'm leaning into the last turn, I feel this strange electric tingle on the back of my neck and look up....

Strait into the most beautiful pair of baby blues I've

ever seen.

Next thing I know I'm lying on the ground looking at the arena ceiling wondering what on earth had just happened.

"JESSICA oh my goodness are you okay!?!"

I look over and see tony running towards me along with the arena doc and can't help but turn a bright red. Such a stupid mistake, always stay focused never look up, I sigh

"I'm fine tony, nothing hurt but my pride" I try to get up but they start fussing for me to lie still while the doc checks me out. "I'm telling you I'm okay, just need a long soak in my tub and ill be good as new" I look at tony who looks as though she is trying to hold back a laugh, "What is so funny?"

Then she does laugh but stops long enough to say

"You won't hardly talk to the guys we've known our whole lives yet you fall and bust your butt over a complete stranger"

Now it's my turn to glare, "what are you talking about?" she laughs again " oh don't think I didn't notice why you fell, he is quit a looker ill admit but you falling for him haha had no idea THAT was gonna happen" I looked at the doc "can I go home now before I choke her to death?" he laughs and helps me up "yes mam just take it easy, mabe take some Tylenol and relax for a few days."

I can't help but let my mind go back to those beautiful blue eyes as I'm soaking in my bubble bath. The man himself looked like a god and it made me warm just thinking about it.

Okay it's deffinately been too long since I've had sex if I'm lusting after a total stranger. Laughing at myself I try to put him out of my mind and enjoy the heat seeping in and relaxing my achy muscles.



I've always had an active imagination, and love reading with all my heart but I've never really tried writing it down so I figured I'd give it a shot :) pls feel free to leave me comments, and/ or suggestions :)



I was running again, frantically trying to get away from it. I didn't still didn't know what it was or where I was for that matter but I Just kept running. Then a thought hit me, why? why am I running? I'm not even really that afraid. Where am I, and how did I get here? My breathing is more like gasping now and I suddenly decide enough is enough, so all of a sudden I just stop. As I'm trying to catch my breath, I feel the same kind of electric tingle on the back of my neck as I did at the arena, just as I hear, "why are you running from me?" that voice, husky and deep, caressed me and made me ache at my core. I had to see him, but as I started to turn and face him, I woke.

Huh, I was confused for a moment, the dream was different this time, and although not as unpleasant, still odd.

I sat up and looked at the clock on my night stand, seven-thirty, i sighed, well nothing like a cold shower to start my day.

Just as I was getting out of the shower, my phone starts ringing, so I wrap the towel around myself and hurry downstairs to answer it. "Hello?" I answer wondering who could be calling me this early. "Ms.Porter?" I hear a deep, husky voice ask. "This is she...." I answered a little rushed, I still had to get dried off, I was making a puddle on my kitchen floor. "This is Jake Nolan I was calling you regarding the flower arrangement I'm supposed to pick up today, is it ready?" Something about his voice was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it, it was mesmerizing, there was something so purely.... I don't know, I was lost in it. I felt myself snap out of it when I heard "Ms. Porter?" I quickly

answers "yes, Mr.Nolan they are ready, I open at nine."

I hung up the phone and for the second time in less than two hours, was confused.

I arrived at my shop around eight-thirty, and hurried to get everything in order before it was time to open. I apparently lost track of time because I heard a knock on the door and turned a little surprised and seen Mr. Nolan standing there with a very impatient look on his face. I rushed to unlock the door, flipping the closed sign to open in the process. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Nolan, I completely lost track of time." I watched his frown grow deeper, if that was even possible. " Ms. Porter, did you not say you opened at 9:00 am?" Ugg, what a wonderful start to my day. "Yes, and like I said before MR. NELSON, I'm sorry. If you'll follow me I will have you on your way in no time." I knew it was my fault, I was late but I was still aggregated, it's not like I did it on purpose and he didn't have to use such a tone with me.



I'm so sorry to whoever may have read or is reading this I've had a lot happening in my life recently, but thank heavens it's getting back to normal. I plan on getting on the computer and finishing all this from a pc, because doing it from my iPhone is complicated lol :) pls be patient with me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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