Chapter 8

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The camping trip from hell was finally over. The car ride home was completely silent. When I got home, I didn't bother to marvel at our new kitchen and bathroom. I just marched straight to my room. I'm glad my mom wasn't home cause she'd bombard me with a million questions about my attitude.

5 minutes later Ash started banging on my door.

"Ash. Leave me alone."

"How'd you know it was me?" She asked laughing.

"Magic," I replied rudely.

She stopped after that.


A few days later, I was still mad at Ashley and Teddy. I was sitting on the floor with my friends working a project for our local animal shelter. We had to do a ton of research. Just as we really started focusing, my brother came home.


We walked into T's house and Jenny was there with her friends. I still didn't know her full name. She looked up when we came in and immediately looked down again and went back to her work. I looked over her shoulder and saw her handwriting. It was amazing. It was neat but original. It was a mix of print and cursive. Why am I turned on by the fact that she had good handwriting? This girl is making me go crazy.


Nick was looking over my shoulder.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh sorry. I was just looking at your handwriting."

What? He likes my handwriting? What is wrong with this boy?! I hope he's not gonna start talking to me again. In a few weeks I'll be at college and I don't need to be distracted by him. Plus, I'll be living away from home so it wouldn't work out.

August 12th

"TIME TO GO!" My mom screamed.

Today I was moving into my dorm at Cornell university, one of the top veterinary schools in the country. I couldn't believe I was going here. It had always been a dream of mine. I got in the car with my last bag and we started the long drive to my college.

On the drive there, I thought about Nick. I wouldn't see him again until Christmas and I hadn't even said goodbye. But he also hadn't made any effort to talk to me, so maybe it was for the best. Ever since I met him things were weird. Kissing me and then acting like nothing happened and not wanting to go on more than 1 date? It made no sense to me.


"WE'RE HERE!" I shouted.

I was so excited to move into my dorm. It was even better because Maggie was my roommate.

After we brought all my stuff up, I got stuff out to make my bed. My mom started tearing up because they had to leave.

"Mom. Stop crying. It's not like you're shipping me go Antarctica for the rest of my life," I said. I was getting annoyed because she'd been all over me the entire day. She knew this though and didn't get mad at me. She finally said goodbye and so did my dad and brother. Then they left, leaving me in my dorm with Maggie, ready to take on the world by ourselves for the first time.

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