Part 4

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Once me and Monique got to the party it was already jumpin. But all I wanted to do was get this talk over with. I looked around the party to see if I saw Miles and didn't even notice that I lost Monique. I felt someone pull my shirt I turned around and saw Miles we was so close I could feel his heart beat.
"We needa go somewhere private !" He said trying to talk over the twerk music I nodded my head and followed him. We went into the upstairs bathroom where he knew no one would come. When I got in and turned on the lights he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me aggressively, I felt myself get wet and like it. I became so weak to his touch that I didn't feel him go inside my pants but once he was there it was no stopping him.
"Tell me you love me."  He whispered under my soft moans, but I was so shocked I couldn't speak so he fingered me faster and harder
"Tell me you love me." He said mono toned
"I love you daddy" I said in between moans. Shocked at my response he stepped back with his eyes wide.
"Daddy?"  He said excitedly.
I bit my lip all sexy letting him know I wanted more and nodded my head yes.
"Well daddy says we needa go back to his house."
"Yeah I think we should." I said with a chuckle.

When we get to his house it's dark and I know his moms not there she don't get off work till 2am it was only 10. He was hovering over me kissing and undressing me and I felt that overwhelming feeling again but I decided not to stop him this time. Once he got me down to my undergarments he kissed all over my body all the way down to my Victoria secret thong that matched my bra. He looked at it and inhaled smelling the pear splash body washed I used before the party. He carefully took off my panties looking up every inch he took making sure I was ready. Once he got them off he took another sniff.
"You smell like you taste good" he said before inserting his tongue and then his fingers. The first time I ever felt like this and I loved it. I was screaming, I loved it so much. After 10 mins and almost climaxing he came up and kissed me . Tongueing me down allowing me to taste my juices.  As he put his dick in my untouched hole. I was so wet and tight , it did hurt but hearing Miles moan was so pleasuring to me.
"Fuck, damn ma you wet asf" he whispered in my ear
After 20 mins he started shaking
"Damn bae I'm bouta nut" then I felt it. The warm gooey sticky stuff burst inside of me. Reminding me we didn't use protection. As pleasuring as it was, it scared the fuck outta me. But I can't get pregnant it's only my first time. As he pulled out he kissed me and said, "that's the best I've had EVER, swear I ain't never leaving you"

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