~chapter 2: A new moon and new found loneliness~

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Alena's pov:
It's been weeks since I met that girl Bella.... And nothing's the same anymore. Whenever I try to hang out with Jacob.... He just tells me he's busy, that he doesn't have time to spend with me since he's spending it with ...... Bella. I growl to myself slightly. My brother wants nothing to do with his little sister anymore because he's found his true love. I scoff at the thought and stand up from my bed. I walk over to my closet and grab my long bow along with my quiver and arm guard. I place the quiver over my shoulder and tie the arm guard over my left arm. Grabbing the bow in my right and walk out my room only to run into the one who's been avoiding me. "Hey Alena" Jacob says smiling at me like nothing was wrong. I just glare at him and walk away. "Alena?" Jacob ask as I walk out the house. I growl quietly to myself and run towards the forests for target practice. I needed to release my pent up anger.... But most of all to get away from Jacob before I start to cry.... "Why.....?" I think to myself. "Why must she take big brother away from me?!" I rage inside my head as I come to stop in a clearing filled with makeshift targets. With tears filling my eyes I shout angrily and grab an arrow from the quiver and string it onto the bow aiming and firing at high speeds. It landing directly in the center of the target. I do this with several more targets while rolling, jumping, running, anything to increase my accuracy, speed, and agility. Once I run out of arrows I sit down in the center of the clearing and look up to see it was getting dark. "I let my anger get the best of me it seems...." I think to myself as I stand up and retrieve all my arrows before heading back. Once I'm at home I walk up to see the truck was gone and the lights were off. Walking into the house I see a note on the table. "Hey Alena when you get home please don't worry dad had some things to do with the elders of the tribe and I'm going to be with Bella most of the day. Thanks for understanding.
                         ~love Jacob~
I growl and crumble the paper in my hands and throw it in the trash. I stomp my way to my room and sit down on my bed looking out at the night sky. I try to locate the moon to calm me down.... Seeing it always made me calm and sometimes even lulled me to sleep. That's why I always fell asleep by the window. Not finding it I realize why.... "It's a new moon....." I say to myself sadly. Looking down I ask myself  "why...why must I always be lonely when I have family that surrounds me.... Why?" I feel tears escape my eyes as I look back up to the night sky. I hear a truck pull up but don't move. Why should I greet them if they left and didn't tell me.... Why should i be happy for their return if I was not important enough for them to even be around anymore.... I hear the kitchen door open and close as they enter. Hearing them talk I lay down on my bed and look at the ceiling trying to hear what they were saying. "I asked you to watch her today" I hear dad tell my brother. I roll onto my side facing the wall away from the door. "I told you I had already made plans with Bella" Jacob tells dad. "She's your little sister Jacob!" Dad raises his voice slightly. I flinch a bit. Dad has never risen his voice before. "Jacob I specifically asked you to watch your little sister, to even play with her, but you didn't you went ahead and went along with what you wanted! Not her.... She has barely spoken since you haven't been around her Jacob.... She doesn't smile anymore all I see is sadness in her eyes.... She's lonely Jacob, you weren't only her older brother but her best friend as well....." Dad continues lowering his voice at the end. I hear Jacob start to yell at dad so I grab my bow and opening my window I jump out and start to run into the dark woods. Never looking back. I kept running until I reached the same clearing as earlier. I sit down and look up at the night sky. Suddenly I hear laughing. Standing up I grab my bow notching an arrow I call "who's out there?!" The laughing just got louder. I look around for the sound but couldn't find the source of it. Suddenly I'm grabbed from behind. "AAAHHH!" I scream as I'm thrown into a tree. I hear a crack as my back comes Into contact with the trunk of the tree. I taste iron in my mouth and spit it out. I look down to see it was blood.... Looking back up I see a red headed woman with Crimson eyes. She smiles at me sadistically and reaches her hand down to my neck. Clasping her hand around it she lifts me off the ground. I feel her tighten her grip around my neck causing me to choke on my own blood. I look into her eyes as she looks back into mine. "W-why..... C-cold one?" I gasp as my air ways become clogged with blood. She looks at me surprised but just smiles nonetheless. "Because" she begins in her soft melodious voice. "Your blood is  so sweet smelling.... And yet it has a coldness to it unlike other blood which is warm...." She continues looking at me with hungry eyes. Looking up at the night sky I feel my breath continue to escape me. "Big brother.....please.....PLEASE SAVE ME!!" I think to myself as a tear of blood escape my right eye. Suddenly I'm dropped onto the ground. Coughing and gasping I look up to see a large black wolf in front of me..... As if it were protecting me.... The wolf looks back at me and I see it had the same black eyes I had seen in the woods before.... It was getting harder and harder to breath and black dots were staring to surround my vision. "T-thank.... Y-you...." I managed to whisper before I had passed out.


"Run....run....keep running pure one....keep running...." A voice whispers on the wind as a pure white wolf runs across the forest floor. Frost and ice covering it where the wolf had stepped. The wolf stops smelling a horrendous scent. "Cold one.... Must protect the tribe...." The wolf growls and runs after the scent.  The wolf sees the cold one up ahead and as it was about to pounce onto the cold one it stops.... "A child of the tribe!" The wolf roars in anger the other shape shifters hearing. They run to help there savior... There protector.... The white wolfs takes a stance but stops when the cold one says "now now no need to be so hasty pure one.... For if you move any closer I'll kill the child...." Smirking. The wolf whimpers and stands down. The other shape shifters arrive soon after. They stop behind there savior once they see it standing down to the vampire. The cold one laughs. "Oh pure one... You give up your strength and power so easily just to save a mere child!" It laughs even louder and raises the child's neck to its mouth. All of the wolves growl at the sight but the white wolf.... It just whimpers and lays down on the ground. The others look at their savior surprised. "Hahaha good wolf" the cold one laughs moving away from the child. The child starts to cry and screams "help me pure one! I don't want to die! Please please!" The wolf looks up at the child with hazy eyes. The cold one hisses at the child and scoffs "I have no need for you anymore pathetic child.... Begone!" Throwing the child off the cliff they had resided at. The white wolf growls and speeds towards the cliff. Suddenly there was a bright light and a human runs in the place of the wolf..... Pure white hair.... Pale skin...... A electric blue left eye and a crimson red eye holding a scar over it. The human jump off the cliff to the water below..... Before the child could fall into the water the pure one grabs his hand and with a great amount of strength throws him up to the cliff above before falling into the dark water below.... The child lands safely onto the cliff but starts to crawl to the edge crying out for the one who had saved him. "Pure one!!!! Pure one!!!" The child cries. The shape shifters take a seat around the child forming a semi circle around the edge. They throw their heads back and howl out their lost of the pure one..... Their savior had died saving an innocent child from death.... They will forever remember this deed and pass down the noble story throughout the tribe throughout generation to generation..... 
                               ~dream ends~

I wake up in alarm to see I'm in a bright white room. Squinting my eyes I look around the room to see dad sleeping in his wheelchair holding my right hand. I look around hoping Jacob would be here..... But he wasn't. Looking down I feel the hole in my heart grow larger.... The pain of loneliness growing larger.... I love my dad but out of me and my brother he spends more time with him then he does me..... It hurts..... I don't like this pain in my heart. I feel tears begin to fall.... A loud beeping noise gets louder and faster by the second waking up my dad. "Alena!" He shouts. I just shake and don't respond..... "Big brother why didn't you save me....." I think to myself. "Nurse!" Dad yells pushing a button on the bed. Suddenly two nurses and a doctor run in. But I can't stop my heart race.... I can't stop the pain.... It keeps growing and growing.... "Why.... Why.... YOUR MY BIG BROTHER! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME WHEN I NEEDED YOU!" I scream in my head tears falling even faster now.  "She's having a panic attack we have to sedate her now!" The doctor shouted. A nurse runs out and runs back in but this time with a needle filled with clear liquid. The nurse hands the needle to the doctor and she and the other nurse force me onto the bed. I shake and scream my heart race going even faster.... It won't stop.... The pain.... The pain of knowing my big brother wants nothing to do with me..... Knowing he wouldn't save me..... They restrain my arms and legs so the doctor could get the needle in my neck without a problem. The doctor pushed the needle into my skin and pushing the liquid into my system. I begin to feel tired and my body begins to relax. The doctors and nurses leave the room now that I've calmed down. I look at dad to see him liking at me with worry and sadness. "Daddy...." I say quietly. "Yes baby?" Dad ask holding onto my hand once again. "Where is Jacob?" I ask with tears still falling. Dad looks at me sadly and says "he's with... Bella.... Sweetheart...." I look away when he says that. "I have to go now baby.... I have some stuff to take care of.... I love you" dad says giving my forehead a kiss before rolling out the room. Once the door is shut I close my eyes and cover them with my hands and begin to cry.... Not the silent tears I was crying before but..... Full on crying.... With sobs and body shakes.... The ones that when you cry so hard your eyes and throat begin to hurt but you can't stop because the pain in your heart is much greater...... I just cry and cry till I couldn't shed anymore tears but even then I still sob and shake..... "With a new moon..... Comes new loneliness....." I think to myself still shaking and sobbing.

A/n: hey I hope you liked the chapter! Sorry if it isn't that good and please like and comment below!!!!

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