I Don't Want to Die? Reader x Lax

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I just saw a movie called Hello Herman and I think ya'll should watch it. I loved it and it made my eyes sweat from the intensity. And I know this isn't a Walking Dead one but I thought I would do it anyways. I'm thinking about adding other people in here too like regular Norman Reedus if you are okay with that. Comment below if you are our aren't.

"Get down on the ground!" You yelled pointing your gun at people. 

"Y/N, Put down the gun." A Teacher called out to you walking closer and closer.

'"Shut up." You said shooting him right in the chest. He fell to the ground instantly. "Jamie stand up!" You yelled pointing her out of the crowd. She stood up holding her hands above her head. 

"I'm sorry." She said shakingly.

"Too fucking late isn't it." You said shooting her in the forehead making her fall down dead. "Alright you fucks. Everybody who didn't bully me stand up. And don't lie if you do everyone will die and I know who did and who didn't." You said looking at all the nerds who stood up every single one of them looked like they didn't do anything wrong. "Alright head for the windows above the bleachers they are open go before I change my mind." You said shooing them away.

"Thank you." Some of them said as the walked past.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up we haven't got all day." You said looking at the bullies. One of them made a break for it and you shot him right in the calf. "Hey! Didn't I say no lying?! Well now that the innocents are gone now you're all going to go." You pointed the camera you had on your phone directed to the ever so famous Lax Morales. "I want you to tell my story." You said turning back to the people.

"All right stand up. Run!" You said shooting a couple warning shots. You pulled out your AK 47 that you stole from your dad. "Run little pigs run!" You yelled over the gunfire. A policeman came behind you and secured his arms around you making you struggle and loose aim of the 20 people left in the gym.

"Did you want to kill them?" He asked you, clicking his pen.

"Not all of them. Only the people who bullied me." You said playing with the chains on your hands.

"You were bullied?" He asked leaning forward.

"Yeah. The girls would trip me in class and pull and cut my hair. They would dig dirty pads out of the trash and stick them on me. They would shove dirty tampons in my mouth. Jamie was the worst. She ordered them around like slaves telling them to try and fight me and try to beat me up." You explained looking down.

"What do you mean try?" He asked 

"Well they never won. I always kicked their asses but got in trouble." You said looking up at him.

"Wasn't that enough. Why did you kill them then." He asked. 

"They wouldn't stop. The boys giving me swirlys messing with me online. I hated my life." You explained.

"What about at home? You an only child?" He asked.

"Yeah, my mom died giving birth to me and my dad blamed me for her death. He beat me and he did things to me. I ran away but he always found me or called the police. He acted so innocent about everything it literally made me sick." You said crying now. Lax has been talking to you for a while now and you refused to tell him this much but part of you just wanted it out.


"He's gonna hurt me for telling you now. He's gonna lock me in the closet." You sobbed standing up pacing the room.

"Wait Y/n-"

"I'm so scared. I didn't want to kill them! I just couldn't take it anymore Lax! I don't want to die! I want to live to see my mistake and get a job and get friends! I don't want to die!" 

"Y/N come here I'll take care of it all." He said walking to you holding you on the ground until policemen came in to take you back to your small cell.

Lax's POV

"Does Y/N have a father?" I asked the social services person.

"Yes it says here that Y/N does indeed have a father, Her mother died during childbirth and her sister was a still born." The lady said putting the file back in a pile.

"Thank you." I said going back to the courtroom.

"I have to something to show you." I said to the judge. I played to video for him and he nodded in understanding. 

"I'll see what I can do can I keep this to show the jury?" He said.

"Of course."

"After seeing that I'll see what I can do for her." He said walking away with my camera.

~a day later~

"Alright the jury has made a decision." The judge said smacking his gavel against the pallet. "Y/N L/N is..."

Regular POV

"Y/N L/N is Guilty. Penalty 10 years in prison. If good behavior is shown then she will be let out after a minimum of 2 years. You sighed in delight. You were ushered through crowds of people saying they hate you and that they hope I rot in prison. 

Lax's POV

The judge showed a video to the crowd and most of them cried. He gave me back my camera and shook my hand. 

"A warrant was placed out for the arrest of her father." 

"Thank you sir." I said.

~2 and a half years later~

"Y/N L/N is being let out for good behavior." The judge said letting hid gavel hit the plaque.

"You ready?" I said to Y/N

"Hell yes." She said holding my hand as we walked out of the courtroom.

"Let's go home." I said to my new child.

Sorry if it was bad but I really wanted to do this. I hope you liked it.

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