"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck."
I trudged through the the muddy puddles, dirt soaking through my jeans. Strands of hair stuck to my tear-stained face. It felt like only a minute ago I was at my friends house, laughing and playing him them.
The memory kept playing over and over. Her dad had come back after months of being away. He kicked her bedroom door open, clearly drunk. Her mom was yelling from downstairs, too scared to comfort him. I could only watch in horror as the intoxicated father stumbled over to her daughter. Being the pussy I am, I ran out on my friend. I couldn't stand to see what happened. I heard her yelling for me to stay. Thoses yell of comfort soon turned to screams of mercy. I shivered as I ran from the house.
My apartment was about 1 and a half hours away. My phone was dead and I had no money on me. Hoping I didn't get sick from the storm, I walked on. Police sirens could be heard a couple of blocks away. "This city is such fucking shitty garbage," I muttered.
The sun fell more and more into the horizen. I ducked into an alley way as I looked for a place to sleep. Walking through a crummy town at night a deathwish! I sat down next to a gray dumpster. It smelled like garbage. What a surprise...
I got over the gross-ass smell and pulled my knees to my chest. I closed my tired eyes and tried to sleep. It took about 15 minutes of sitting in the alley to realise this wasn't going to work. I decieded to repostion. I fell on my side and pulled my T-shirt over my legs. It was as cold as the north pole. I forced my eyes shut until I drifted into sleep.