Chapter 2

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I walked quietly through the hallways as I heard footsteps behind me. I look back and see Vix jogging up to me. "Hey." She says. "Hi, How did you get here so fast?" I ask looking at her. "I ran..." She keeps looking forward. I look ahead as we're nearing the potions class. I push the doors open. Me and Vix find a seat near the back. "Yes!" Vix exclaims as we sit down. "What?" I ask. "Well we're in the back, so now we'll be able to talk more." She explains. Great..... I think sarcastically. I believe in being a good student so talking while the teachers talking is not a good idea for me. "Okay class sit down and be quiet!" The teacher walks to the front of the class and starts talking. "Today is a study day. The test is next weak so I want you to be ready!" The whole class groans. I personally like studying, it's very calm and peaceful. Vix looks at me " Why are you smiling?" I looney her and my face turns red "Oh! Uh... No reason!" I awkwardly laugh. Then burry my nose into a book, and study.

At the end of class the teacher stands at the door way handing out a study guide for each of us to fill out. I take one and put it in my backpack then walk out of class with Vix. "What class do you have next?" I ask her. "Uhhhh..." She looks down at her schedule, "Defense Class. What do you have?" I look at my schedule, "Herbology. Well see you later!" I say as I walk out to my next class.

I open the door and go outside to see a teacher standing with students walking over to her. She must be the herbology teacher. I walk up to her and ask, "Why yes! I am the herbology teacher! You can take a seat j the grass anywhere you'd like!" She smiles and points to the grass. I look around to see Ava sitting in the grass playing with her hair. "Ava!" I yell while running over to her. I sit down on the grass. "How was you first class Luna?" She looks over at me. "Eh. It was okay, we just studied the whole time though." I say as I set my backpack on the ground. "How was your first class?" I ask her. "Meh. It was okay." She looks up at the teacher. "Okay class!" Today we will be making this!" The teacher holds up a handful of strange dirt. "It is called Coons Age dirt! It makes plants live for centuries in end!" She gives each of us a sample of diet to examine it. "To make this you will need......."


I walk back inside with Ava. I pull out the Coons  Age dirt from my backpack. "This is so cool!" I examine the dirt. "What's your next class?" Ava asks me. "I have...." I look down at my schedule. My eyes slowly widen with excitement, "DRAGON TRAINING CLASS!!!!"

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