In captivity

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Hey guys!! Last chapter was a little bit funny, but this chapter will have more drama and things in it! Thanks for reading!!! :) Ben and Lottie are real people, and they are best friends.


Ben P.O.V

To recap, the people that were kidnapped were Me, Lottie, Rosie, Kendall, Laura, Josie, Lucy and Kyle. Did I mention that we were part of the 'gang' too? Rosie probably didnt. She's forgetful like that, haha. Anyways, we were all huddeled together just talking when some dude opened the door. Me and Kyle stood up, with the girls behind us.

"Why the heck are we here?!" Kyle shouted. The guy who opened the door looked round the van and saw the girls,then had a evil grin.

"We want revenge on One Direction" He said. Then Lottie stepped in. She's like that, always brave.

"Just because you hate my brother does NOT mean you can kidnap me and my friends!" She said quickly. I didnt have a clue who we were talking to, but he is definitley in The Wanted. He stepped into the van and I stepped infront of Lottie, like a wall. He shoved me to the side and into the side of the van. He was advancing on Lottie, so I jumped on his back and covered his eyes while the others spun him out of the van. We shut the door and I ran over to Lottie and pulled her into a massive hug. 


Another hour had passed and it was getting lighter outside. All the girls were asleep and me and Kyle were talking. The same guy that I jumped on before, opened the door again. I nudged Lottie, who was asleep with her head on her shoulder and she woke the others. I stood up and started speaking.

"Why do you want revenge on One Direction?" I asked.

"Because they're stuck up and we just hate them. So we're getting them back by kidnapping you. We were only meant to grab 2 of the girls, but then you boys and other girls stepped in and you guys had to be taken care of" He said.

"That's nice of you, Nathan" Rosie said, grinning. His name was Nathan? Oh yeah He's in The Wanted. He chuckled sarcastically and grabbed her. Kyle shot up and grabbed her back,but another one, I think he was in JLS pushed him back. Nathan dragged her out of the van by her shoulder and he locked the door behind him. Kyle started banging his fists on them and shouting her name. The other girls were crying and shaking. Then, Lottie pulled out her hairclip, found the lock, and picked at it. There was a small clunk and she kicked the door open. We all grinned.

"That's how a girl does it!" She said, putting the hairclip back into her hair. We ran out to find Rosie sitting with handcuffs on and another car, with the people who kidnapped us inside. I looked up and saw that we were outside a massive building, with electric fences and barbed wires. The 9 people that kidnapped us came over, grabbed one person each, and started whispering to us.

"Watch your little girlfriend at all times, something might happen" He said to me. Now he's done it. I started lashing at him, punching and kicking. Even though Lottie wasnt my girlfriend, she was like my sister. I liked her quite a bit though. She's really pretty. Anyways, we were inside by this time, and they threw us into a concrete room and started talking to us.

"We're going to put you into pairs, lock you away, and girls, say goodbye. You will probably never see those boys again"

Lottie P.O.V

That scared me. Without thinking, I grabbed onto Ben's arm. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him, telling him that I was fine.

Rosie P.O.V

That didn't scare me much. My brother knew Nathan, and he wouldn't hurt a fly, but if he got angry.......... You don't wanna know!


Louis P.O.V

We had a call from Kate saying Lottie and Rosie were missing. Me and Niall were pacing, Harry was on the phone to what sounds like the cops and Liam and Zayn were thinking of where The Wanted might take them. There was JLS too, but they're sumb and wouldnt know where to start.


Kendall P.O.V

We were put into twos and put into seperate rooms. It was:

Ben and Lottie

Me and Lucy

Josie and Laura

Kyle and Rosie

I bet they were scared out of their life!

Lottie P.O.V

Nathan came in and grabbed me by the cuff of my shirt and pinned me against the wall. Ben jumped infront of me but Nathan shoved him away again.....................


WAHOO Cliffe!!! xoxoxoxoxo

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