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A ghoul investigator who cannot be reckoned with: the White Reaper, the harbinger of fate - death itself. All of these things describe legendary CCG Ghoul Investigator Arima Kishou, who has yet to be figured out by any of his peers. He has no friends, no family to speak of, and certainly no romantic relationship. His thoughts revolve around one thing, and that thought only: killing ghouls. Why is this, though? Why, since the tender age of 16, has Arima been so dedicated to and, one could even say obsessed with, disposing of the notorious human mutants? What is his backstory, and where did he come from? Why does he harbor such hatred for the misunderstood beings? Surely he realizes that ghouls are merely an evolved species of humans, and if fate so pleased, he could have ended up as one. Even so, no one is able to crack the code to get inside his head. Although he has but one goal in life, his mind is not simply one branch on an entire tree. No, his mind is the tree, tangled branches and all. Perhaps, even a mighty  forest. He keeps the same facial expression no matter what he may be feeling, if he even feels anything at all. It is nearly impossible to comprehend just what goes on in his brain. He is the only one who can make sense of his thoughts. He is the only one who knows just what they are. The leaves on the branches are merely what he lets on in day to day life, what he allows the people around him to see. However, underneath that brilliant greenery lies a twisted mess of twigs, small and frighteningly large branches, holes, roots. The plants are well taken care of, for the flowers bloom and the color green stains every pathway. But, if disease plagues the roots, soon will the collapse of the forest occur. Above it all, it may seem normal, even mysterious. But, should one take a walk through this incredulous jungle, they may never find their way out.

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