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''Tini I...''

Just on that moment Ruggero and Mechi came in the room. ''HEY GUYS WE ARE SO GONNA MISS YOU!!!" Ruggero said and hugged Tini and Jorge.  Jorge smiled but was thinking''If you didnt came in I would have said something important to Tini!'' Tini was wondering what Jorge wanted to say but she let it go. 

Jorge and Tini were on the plane to the Maledives. They said their goodbyes to their friends and family and were on their way. Tini fell asleep on Jorge's shoulder and Jorge smiled and took a picture. He posted it on instagram captured: When your fiancee  is sleeping on your shoulder on the plane to vacation ;P #sleepytini. When he posted it he got immediately 10000 likes on the picture and comments like OMG JORTINI IS SO CUTE. Jorge smiled and closed his eyes too.

When they woke up they arrived at the airport. Jorge grabbed Tini's hand and walked to their hotel room. ''Woah it's beautiful!" Tini said and walked in the room. ''There is one bed...'' Jorge said and looked at Tini. ''It's ok, I trust you Blanco.'' She smiled at him and hugged him. Tini felt butterflies in her belly and so does Jorge. ''Tini will you go on a date with me? On a real date?'' Jorge asked to Tini and Tini smiled. ''I'd love to Jorge.'' They looked each other in the eye and they both leaned in. Jorge helt Tini thight and kissed her soft. Tini smiled and kissed back. They just fell in love with each other knowing it from each other also.

just one question.. someone has instagram? and does roleplay? i was thinking maybe we could make a roleplay about violetta :) just tell me what you think.

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