Chappie 1: The alphas rogue

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Hi guys! So this is my first book and I really hope you enjoy it, please read the authors notes as they are important.

Also, if you don't like my book, I would only like to hear censored constructive criticism.
But I enjoy every single comment and I read and respond to as many as I can.

Anyway xoxo enjoy---- Laura 😘😍😉😊😃😣😳😚🐺🐶🐯🐵🐒🐴🐻🐱🐱🐱🐱

Chapter 1
In The Beginning

They say that along time ago, the moon goddess felt like she alone couldn't bless her children with enough love, so she created mates to aid the hollow part only filled by love.

It is said that when you first see your mate, it feels like a shot of pure pleasure right through you, like his/her eye pierce right through you into your heart.

Now personally I think the moon goddess is a sick freak and a terrible matchmaker.

To find out that not only is your mate an alpha, but the alpha of the strongest pack in America must be some sort of sick joke.

That's how I felt when I first saw my mate.

Let me explain in better detail so were on the same page here.

My names Summer, most call me Sum. I turned 16 a few months ago so I'm a pretty new wolf. You see all wolves change for the first time ever on there 16th birthday.

I have long, straight blonde hair with light, white, blondish natural streaks through it. But the most unique thing about me is my eyes.

They are a pure crystal blue and shine brighter than any colour possible. There almost creepy to look at.

I am extremely skinny, that's just the way I was born, plus being a rogue and all, you don't get much food.

I also have absolutely no muscle whatsoever, I can't lift much and when I fight its a huge disadvantage.

But it's also one of my greatest advantages, you see, I'm quick, agile, flexible and so fourth, my attacks are quick, silent and effective. But if someone grabs me, I'm as good as dead.

Another thing you should know about me is that I have skin the colour of white marshmallows. I don't burn or tan which is all right I guess considering I'm in the sun all day, everyday, 24/7.

Anyways, enough about me. I should probably start explaining how I met my god forsaken mate.

You see, I was never always a rogue, in fact, my father was alpha of my pack when I was growing up, until he was savagely killed by a wolf hunter.

Fatally afterwards, my fathers beta took over, he was cruel and drove the pack into the ground. He constantly raped the women and had me betrothed to his son.

Only because my blood was pure alpha blood, an uninterrupted line of pure alphas as my ancestors.

So I left, saw my chance to escape and took off into the woods, never looking back.

I was 13 soon to be 14 when I escaped, and I have been living in the woods ever since.

That was until one night after a full day of running I was to tired to check the perimeter for packs.

Usually there never were and if there was, I would simply move out of there land.

I fell asleep until my spidy senses started tingling. Aka I heard a twig snap.

I sat up straight and demanded to know who was there.

There was no reply and when I was about to lie back down and go to sleep, he attacked.

No, not my mate, but no other than his beta. In his wolf form, he pounced from out of the thick coverage of the forest, landing on my human fragile body.

Before I had time to react, he had me pinned by my wrists to the forest floor.

I distinctly remember hearing both my wrists crack. And I screamed out in pain. At that moment, it felt like both my wrists were on fire, the pain slowly creeping higher and higher up my arm.

Anyway, after I pointlessly struggled, the beta had me over his shoulder and started walking deeper and deeper into woods.

After about half an hour of him carrying me, and me pounding on his back with as much force as I can muster with 2 broken wrists.

"Ahhh are we there yet?" I groaned hitting his back again and crying out in pain.

"Eager are we", he said, his back vibrating as he spoke.

I huffed "no, it's just that I don't like this angle very much", I say referring to his bum.

He chuckled deeply, well that's the end of that conversation. I sigh quietly.

After about 40 minutes of staring at this morons very nice but, I started to smell delicious aromas. It was just then that we entered a clearing.

It was filled with little houses scattered in a circle and in the middle of all the houses was a giant one, like a mansion!

Children gathered around with there mothers pointing and whispering at me.

I shied away and tried to dig my face further into my kidnappers back.

I had to admit I was scared, scared for my life, most packs kill any rogue that trespasses on their land, and by the looks of it, this pack isn't used to too many passing their land. I shivered at the thought of being tortured.

They could inject me with wolfs bane, I would die in excruciating pain in a matter of hours. They might chain me to a pole with silver chains and leave me there to starve. Or they might simply twist my neck, killing me instantly.

To be honest I wasn't ready to die, I mean, although my life is pretty shitty, okay very shitty, I still had so much to look forward to! I may never get to meet my other half, my true mate. Never have pups, never become a mother. A whimper escaped my lips. I was betrayed by my own body. Shut up! Stay strong! Be calm! Is what I told myself.

I took a few deep breaths as we entered the mansion. Weather I die or not, I will never regret leaving. Never...

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