Chappie 4: You dont own me

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But it would be even better if I had 10+ votes cos right now I'm only up to 5, which is great but I would absolutely love it if I had more.

And btw, if you spam me with love, I will give you a shoutout!!! 😜😙😘

Anyway, tankies and behold chappie 4

I had been running for only about 20 minutes when an almighty howl ripped through the night. They know I've escaped. The howl was so over powering, it made me cower.

Now he's going to send his men to look for me. They would easily catch me in wolf form and on the ground.

To be honest, I prefer fighting in human form, it's much more dangerous but then I have the upper hand.

I shift back from my pure white wolf into my human and change into my clothes.

Oddly enough pure white wolf runs in our family. That's why Xander wanted me so desperately. Because pure white means that the alpha bloodline has been uninterrupted since the beginning of wares. But unfortunately there's only about 5 white wolves left to existence. My mum, a wolf in Canada, and 2 wolves in Australia and me.

So everyone expects us to breed like rabbits and boost the population of white wolves. But that's fine, I absolutely adore children but if I ever did have any, it would be out of love, not the excuse to repopulate white wolves.

After I was fully clothed, my eyes scanned the area, looking for a good tree to climb. My eyes landed on the perfect one, it was tall, slim and very straight. So it would be very difficult for the other wolfs to climb. I quickly scurried up the tree.

Before Xanders dad took over as Alpha, my friends used to call me tree monkey, because I could climb any tree very quickly.

I soon found a branch high up in the tree that would be excellent to wait on while I was waiting for them to call off the search.

I didn't have to wait long before I saw a few red coloured wolves run not 10 metres from the tree.

They were completely oblivious to my hiding spot. I grinned madly and continued to find some leaves to cover my self with. It's better to be safe than sorry.

The howls rung out through the night, one seeming more and more pained each time.

'Mate!' A tiny voice said quietly inside my head.
My head jerked upwards looking for the person that said that, but my eyes were greeted with pitch black darkness and the rustling of the trees as they lazily swayed in the breeze.

"W who's there" I questioned the night, waves of fear cascaded over me as it seemed that my hiding place had been found. I was greeted with silence and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I lay back down on my tree bed and closed my eyes tightly, wishing for this nightmare to be forever over.

'Go back to mate' the little voice spoke again except louder and more demanding. It was at this moment that when I shot up, the bed of leaves I was laying on caved in. I fell. But unlike my last fall, I didn't land hard on impact. Instead I landed in some awaiting bulky arms.

No, it wasn't my mate, but none other than the beta. I groaned.

"You again, we have to stop meeting like this" I said groaning again loudly. He chuckled and his chest vibrated as he did so.

"Your scent is difficult to track, but smell of mangoes and strawberries so your smell is unique".
"Mangoes and strawberries? Hmmm that's nice, but how can you track my scent when I cover it all the time?" I ask, giving him a quizzical look.
"Well you see, I was born with a gift, the gift if sight tracking. So basically every pack member has a small neon line that follows them everywhere. Like there's a string tied to your ankle, and each and every one is unique and different" he said avoiding a log.
"Wow, are there any other wolves with similar or different powers like yours?"
He smiles, "yes, it's a long story, and probably something you should ask Blake to tell you".
I huff, "if I stay long enough to ask him" I say turning my head away from him.
I could feel him frowning, and by the way he tensed and gripped me tighter, I am guessing he was a little angry.

"That was stupid, you should never run from an alpha. Your our Luna now, and your pack expects you to act like one".
"But I'm not a luna! And I will never be cut out for one, I'm useless and your pack doesn't deserve to have me as their luna!" I scream frustrated.

I half expected for the beta to yell at me or at least slap me. But all he did was sigh. And with that our conversation was over.

After a short while if walking, we had arrived at the mansion. Which I was now guessing was the pack house. At first I never really got to admire how magnificent the pack house was from the outside, but now I could clearly see that it was painted a charcoal black with bullet proof black tinted glass. It was at least 4 stories high and on one side of the house was a vine that had crept up the walls, intricately weaving itself into the small spaces.

The beta, who's name I learned was chase, had easily silenced my weak attempts to escape. Lets face it, I had next to no hope fighting him when he had an iron grip on me. I had tried to punch him in the face, but all that I did was hurt my hand on his rock hard features.

Chase easily opened the door, still keeping one hand tightly gripped around me, and opened the door to reveal the inside of the pack house.

The walls were painted a light blue and the carpet was a dark shaggy brown. Ohhhh I love shaggy carpet, I just wanted to roll around on it... Wait, that sounded weird. A large flat screen TV was hanging on a corner in the room and a large brown L shaped lounge was placed directly in front of it. A cute brown coffee table was situated on the opposite side of the room and held a vase full of colourful flowers and beside it was a picture of my mate and two other people, who I was assuming was his parents.

His mother had bright red hair and cute little freckles dotted on her nose and cheeks. She was wearing a yellow flowing sundress that came just past her knees. Her smile was breathtaking and her beautiful lavender eyes held so much love, admiration, strength and happiness that it made me smile.

His father, like him, had pitch black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing a blue long sleeves button up shirt with a pair of dark denim jeans that bagged slightly at his ankles. He was staring lovingly at his wife and son, with one hand looped around her waist and the other on my mates shoulder.

It made me sad that I would never have this kind of happiness in my life. The true happiness that only comes from having a mate like that.

It was like I knew them. Just by looking at their picture. There personalities so evident on their face.

My gaze was torn from the photo when chase brought me to two large brown doors with wolves as handles. He dropped me to my feet gently and knocked on the door.

"Come in" a deep voice filled with anger and authority answered. I gulped.

'Mate!' The little voice said again. I twitched slightly at the voice that was becoming more and more occurring.

Chase gave me a small apologetic look as he then lightly pushed me into the room.

I stumbled slightly but quickly caught myself before I fell. The room was a dark gold and the floor was a dark polished brown wooden floor. At the far end of the room was my mate... Looking extremely pissed.
Oh shit.

"Sit" he ordered sternly gesturing towards a chair opposite him. His alpha tone made me submissive and I did as I was told.

I sat with my hands folded neatly in my lap. I wonder what he will do to me? I've heard of stories where males beat there mate... So I wonder what an alpha will do to a Luna who ran away.

"Why" he asked roughly, pure anger dancing in his now completely black eyes. His wolf has taken over.

I avoided his stern gaze and looked at the floor which has now become very interesting.

"Look at me" he ordered.
I obeyed and raised my head slightly so I was staring at him through my long, thick, ebony lashes. I let my hair fall down, using it as a curtain to shield parts of face from his piercing glare.

"I don't know" I murmured quietly.
"You don't know" he said quietly standing up and leaning on his chair.
"A Luna is supposed to be there for her mate, supposed to guide him and the pack, you left. I had been looking for you all my life. My mother would tell me stories about how when you found your mate, you would be undeniably happy, and so would she. So tell me, why are you unhappy?" He asked.

"My father was an alpha. So powerful and so strong. He lead his pack to greatness and everyone was happy. A wolf hunter cruelly slaughtered him. His beta took over and drove our great pack into the ground. Alphas. Are. Hunted. I cannot let myself get attached to one when he will most likely be torn away from me! My mother almost killed herself after my father died. And she never spoke again" I whisper the last part quietly.

He made his way around the table and rested on his knees in front of me.
"I will never leave you, I will fight until the end just to be back in your arms" he lifted my chin so I was staring into his now chocolate brown eyes.

He leaned in and brought me into the most intense, hungry and magical kiss I have ever shared.

Yay! Chapter 4 is over! Sorry it took FOREVER to update, I was at the carnarvons with? my friend and at a lake skiing with my family, and we had NO SIGNAL!

Anyway, for the next chappie I would like

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Xoxo Laura😘😚🍭🍓🍋🍰🍪🍩

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