Falling Down

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(your POV)

You tried to stand. You had fallen, while you were climbing Mt. Ebott. You were running away, basically from slavery. You coughed a little, and some blood came out with it. You look at it, then vomit. You had already been getting sick when you ran away, not really caring whether or not where you went. You knew that people didn't return from the mountain, but you honestly didn't care. It's not like you wanted to die, you just... didn't really mind if it happened... you guess.

You start coughing again, and you spit up more blood. You fell hard, and even though the buttercups had softened, you knew you had gotten probably some irreparable damage from the fall. you look around, on all fours, with one hand wiping the blood from your mouth, covering it. You see two skeletons, obviously brothers, a small human child in a purple sweater, another in a green sweater holding a frisbee, a small goat, a mother goat, and...

A walking fire man?

You stand, and for the small ones sake, you turn from them, continuing to cover your mouth. They were young, and didn't need to see the blood-vomit mixture now dripping down your front. You try to take a step forward, but trip and fall on all fours again. Now you're clutching your stomach, coughing up blood and vomit, gasping for air when you could. You hear a few people rush up, concerned. You feel a warm hand on your back, and there's a warm orange glow coming from it. You try to turn your head, but then go into a coughing fit.

You know you're on the ground now, and as you start to black out, you hear a voice calling for you to hang on. Hang on to what? It's not like I had a purpose, or anywhere I belonged. Who even cared if I went? I mean, dying scared me, but right now it almost seemed... inviting. You can barely tell, but you feel yourself being turned over. You see a bright light. People always say to 'don't go towards the light,' but you weren't going towards it, it was coming towards you.

And now, you aren't breathing. And you feel your heart stop. You completely black out, now.


(Grillby's POV)

I ran over to her, Sans following me. I put my hand on her back, and she had the worst coughing attack I had seen yet. She collapsed onto the ground, and I couldn't tell if she was breathing or not, and called to Toriel to take the children to the house. She was scared for this human's safety, but didn't want Chara, Frisk, or Asriel to panick. She took them to the house. Sans seemed at a loss as to what to do, just telling the fallen girl, "Hang on! Hang in there!" I turned her over, and she wasn't breathing. I felt for a pulse; nothing.

I told Sans to start using his healing magic, and called Papyrus over for the same. Then I began giving the girl CPR. 30, 2, 30, 2... I count in my head. 30 compressions later, I give her mouth to mouth. She then coughs in my face, getting bile and blood on my shirt, pants, and face. I don't really care though; she's breathing, that's what matters.

I pick her up. I have a friend that might know how to heal her; I don't think Chara or Frisk can help, and Toriel will have her hands full with the little ones; plus, I don't think she knows how to heal this girl. I look at Sans, walking towards Grillby's.

"Sans, I'm taking her to my place. I don't want to scare the children." Sans nods.

"Heh, yup, wouldn't want them getting scared to-" he started. I cut him off.

"Sans. If you say death I will actually kill you. To dust and ashes. It is no laughing matter, this girl is actually about to die." I say, glaring at Sans. He shrugs.

"Whatevs. Hey, I know a shortcut, guys... follow me." Sans says. I sigh. Teleporting is one of the last things I want to do right now, with the Fallen Human sick and all, but it's really our only choice if we want her to live. She passed back out a while ago. Me and Papyrus follow Sans, and he teleports us to the shop.

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