Late Valentines update :)

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Writers block sucks...

Anyway, I just now found these animatics by galactibun on youtube, they're really good, and now I really want to go to NYC and see Hamilton. Plus, I want to see The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway again. Just... Love Erik SO much :) Also.....

10.1K READS! OMG I AM SO EXCITED LIKE WTF HOLY MOTHER! Is this a dream? Am I dreaming??!

Pinch me, I dare you. I. Am. SO. Happy.

Also! Happy Valentines day! <3 luv you all SO SO MUCH. ;P

(timeskip to a couple days later, it's valentines day. You've totally forgotten C: )

your POV

I wake up at the same time as Grillby, our eyes opening literally at the same time, awakening to each other's eyes. We both blink a couple times, then burst out laughing. I try to go get ready for work, but Grillby grabs me by the waist, pulling me back down close to him, making me squeak in surprise. "Grillby!" I hiss, grinning, but swatting his hand. He only hums, pulling me closer. My face goes red. "What are you doing? I need to get ready for work..." I say, pouting.

"We close on Valentines." He says simply, and I get a surprised look on my face.

"Oh? Don't you get a lot of customers today, though?"

Grillby chuckles. "No. You'll understand later. For now..." He trails off.

"...sleep." I mumble, finishing the thought.

"And snuggles." Grillby says, giving me a squeeze. I curl my body to fit his, and he combs through my hair with his fingers. I hum, and he chuckles, sending shivers up my spine. He wraps his arms around me, folding me into his form, as I turn to face him, and hug him back. We fall asleep for about two hours.

When I finally wake back up, Grillby's not there, but I can feel him in the kitchen. I get up, and put on a frilly tank top with some black jeans. I put on some black flip flops Grillby got for me, and I find him finishing up some breakfast. He's wearing a green sweater, and black pants, with a black scarf to match. It's about 7:30 am. Grillby turns to me, and smiles. "Here, (y/n), I made breakfast." He says, passing me (favorite breakfast meal).

"Thanks, Grillby!" I beam, standing at the bar, and as soon as he has his plate, we both dig in. "You always cook the best food." I state, and he smiles, nodding in thanks. I shift my weight from one foot to the other. "So what are we up to today?" I ask, and he raises an eyebrow, smirking at me. He comes around behind me, and puts his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

"That's classified." He says, nuzzling his face into my neck. I pout.

"Grillbyyyyyyy!" I whine, poking his nose. "That's not fair."

"Fine, I'll tell you what we're doing when you finish your breakfast." He says, grinning. "You're going to go spend a day with Mettaton, and get to know him better." Grillby says. "Alphys and Undyne will be there, too. Oh, and Frisk and Chara. Think of it as a girl's day out. Well, minus Frisk and Mettaton... though, with Mettaton, it may as well be." Grillby says, explaining. I get a surprised look on my face.

"Y'know, I think that's the most I've ever heard you say." I say, shocked. I pat his head, and grin. "Can't wait! I'd LOVE to get to know everyone else better. Plus... I just adore kids!" I giggle, thinking of Frisk.

"Really? I guess that's not really surprising, I just didn't expect it. I thought they weren't really your thing. I look at him in mock horror.

"The day I stop liking children is... just no. It'll never happen. Children are lovely and angelic, even when they act like demons." I say. Grillby looks uncomfortable for a moment, but quickly shakes it off. I wonder what that's about, and I can tell he feels my curiosity, but I figure he'll tell me if he feels it necessary. "Anyway, are you taking me to Mettaton, or is he getting me from here?" I ask. I hear a knock at the door. "Well, guess that answers that." I say, releasing myself from Grillby's grasp, and answering.

"DAAAAAARLIING~!!!"  The Pink Robot sings, dancing in, his hips swaying. I can't help but laugh out loud at this display. It's just so... cute! I guess it's sexy, but I only really think of Grillby that way, so... ANYWAYS! I jolt myself away from that kind of thinking, back to the funny robot. "Mmm, dear, your picked a good one! What a nice laugh~" Metta says to Grillby, and Grillby flares purple for a moment, twisted with blue. I blush, and smile. He's cute when he gets jealous. Metta winks at me, making me blush more. "AND I can tell already she's got a smashing  sense of style! My my, this is going to be fun~" Metta says, grinning. "Come dear, we're going shopping!"

I grin. "Alright! I haven't had the chance since I got here, so I can't wait to go. Especially since I'll get to know ya'll better!" I say, while walking out the door with Mettaton. "See ya later Grillby!" I say, but then feel a pang in my chest, as we get further from the door. I stop, clutching my chest, and Mettaton stops, turning to me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You alright, dear?"

"Yeah, I just- y'know what, be right back!" I say, hearing him chuckle as I dash back into the shop. "GRILLBY!!!" I yell (in a happy tone), to get his attention. He whips around, surprised, leaning against the counter, gripping it for balance. He's bright yellow, and there's a hint of red and purple in his face. I dash over to him, totally making out with him for about ten seconds, tangling my fingers in his hair, and him in mine, before breaking away, and giving him a peck on the lips. "Bye now." I whisper, blushing insanely, grabbing the scarf he opted to wear today, and rushing back out, wrapping it around my neck. It smells like him. I feel him smiling as I hear the door close, and I grin back. Love you. I think to him.

Love you, too. I hear in response, and my jaw drops slightly, and I grin, laughing out loud. I guess the SoulMeld week has begun! I think to myself, getting into the passenger seat of Mettaton's pink convertible. "Nice, dear~" Though Next time you might want to make sure the blinds are down, so you don't burn our retinas out~" Mettaton says, as I see Sans and Papyrus stopped next to the shop, grinning at me, and Sans catcalls, while Papyrus laughs, shouting that we were the most adorable couple.

I just blush, laughing hard, holding my head, as I feel like it's about to explode with joy, embarrassment, and just plain emotion. I love this place.

A/N: I wonder what's going to happen on the "girl's" day out? 

ALSO BTW In this fanfic, Frisk and Chara both weren't born with male or female parts. They were both born with either a combination of the two (Frisk) Or none at all (Chara). This is an actual thing, it's not something I just made up. People are born with both and neither male and female parts.

Until next time, sweethearts! Luv you all!

(screams because 10.1K reads)

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