Chapter 1

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Warning: If you didn't see it in the title- this is boyxboy meaning there will be homosexual relationships. If you can't deal gtfo. It won't get too intense but...enough about content I'm not giving anything away! Anyway this is one of my first stories on wattpad so bare with me. 



"Ricky?" I called down the basement stairs to my brother. "Mom's in the driveway, you don't want the smell of pot in here."

I looked down the stairs, smelling something that wasn't pot. Hmm. Rotten eggs?

Oh, shit.

"Ricky don't light up!" I screamed as I watched my brother flick his thumb across the top of his lighter, igniting the air around him. Flames licked my face as a bolt flew from the furnace, hit me, and I blacked out.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the mechanical beeping sounds you hear on those hospital shows. Where am I? I thought to myself.

"Mom?" I sat up and opened my eyes. Everything was black.

Must be the middle of the night. I put my fingers in front of my face, only to feel gauze wrapped around my eyes. "Mom?" I repeat.

"Shh. I'm right here baby." I feel her sweaty fingers wrap around mine.

"Where's Ricky?" I asked. I heard mom choke back a sob as she placed her forehead on our hands. "He's dead isn't he?" At this mom burst into tears and although I couldn't see her, I knew her face was probably tear stained and her eyes blood shot.

"The furnace exploded, they say from a gas leak," she sniffed. "Oh baby. He was so burnt. So were you, but you're gonna be okay. Ricky is with Dad now."

Let me give you a little background information about my family. My name is Alex Bratcher, and I'm fifteen. My mom is a single parent who lovingly cared for me and my delinquent brother since my dad died.

My dad died when I was seven from being fatally stabbed on a street corner for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Mom has worked so hard all these years and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

I heard footsteps approaching and what I imagined the door opening.

"Well, Mr. Bratcher, you are lucky to be alive. Yep, paramedics pulled you out of that fire just in time. How're ya feelin?" Said a man's voice.

"Oh, Alex, sweetie, this is Dr. Sawyer." Mom explains as she gripped my hand.

Cruel, how he asks how I'm feeling. I just found out my brother is dead for Christ's sake! And to top it off I woke up with shit covering my eyes!

"Uh... What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"Oh...Well Alex, you were severely burned, you'll recover, but you're gonna have some nasty scars. You got hit in the head, you don't seem to have a concussion, more like a big bump on your head, but we're gonna have to monitor you on that..." I heard the flipping of papers. Dr. Sawyer's tone is rather awkward like he doesn't know what to do.

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