Chapter 3

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I woke up and Callie was gone.

“Callie? You there?...CALLIE?”

“I’m here, I’m here, hold your freaking horses!”

“But they’re really strong horses, and I’m blind- I wouldn’t know where they’re going. They might run me into a ditch-those hay-lovin’ assholes.” I joked, though it pained me to do so. It was always like this with Callie and me. We were like the two musketeers- cliché I know, but it’s been like this for as long as I can remember. I’m glad my accident didn’t change anything. But she’s not like that.

“Hahaha I love you Alex Bratcher. Marry me?” She said as if she was one of those crappy soap opera characters I’ve been watching-well listening to- when I had nothing else to do.

“Oh dah-ling I would but my heart belongs to someone else.” I spoke in a high pitched (stereotypically) southern accent. I threw my arm over my face dramatically and let out an over done sigh before we burst out laughing.

“So anyway babe-alish, what’s the deal with school? I mean, are you like gonna stay or go to like a school for like blind people?” Her tone becoming serious, I could feel her probably intense stare on me.

“I don’t know. I, uh, think my mom’s gonna get someone to help me around and write down shit for me. Or I might get like a Seeing Eye dog.”

“OMG if your learn Braille and get one of those punchy things can I make labels for shit with it?!?” She sounded so excited, I was tempted to say okay, but knowing her it was probably a bad idea. Like she might write something incredibly messed up on one and stick it on my dresser. Or my lamp.

“I don’t know Callie. I question the possibility of you putting one that says something about sex toys on my things. Or it’ll be like that one time at camp you wrote ‘free blow jobs’ on the back of my shirt. Sure I had a couple of cute guys come up to me, but I also had Mr. Nick come up to me. The counselor! And he was like a total perv!”

“Pfft! You are NO fun. Anyway has Chance called you?” She questioned, changing the subject.

“No.” Why hadn’t he called me yet? I know he was with family in Chicago, but still I missed him. He normally called…

“Where’s your phone anyway?” Callie’s voice was muffled as she searched through my things, throwing some articles of clothing at me. “Dunno. Anyway walk me the four feet to the bathroom so I can change?” I slunk of the bed onto the freezing floor. My motor skills and everything were fine and I’d be discharged in a couple days, but they wanted to make sure I could get the pain meds I needed until most of the burns had healed. Callie grabbed my hand and my clothes as she led me to the door, shoving me in the bathroom.

“Al-Oh hey Callie.” I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the door as I put my clothes on slowly, so I wouldn’t hurt myself. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

“Alex!” I felt warm arms wrap around me. I breathed in Chance’s familiar cologne. He pulled back and kissed my forehead. I heard Cassie make a ‘blech’ noise and I laughed. She hated him, didn’t mind the fact I’m gay; she just thought he was ‘a whore-y douche who’d stick it in anything that had a heartbeat.’ I know what you’re probably thinking ‘Well then, why are you with him?’ answer is: I truly don’t know. It’s not out of boredom or the desire to have a boyfriend; I guess I just like him around and maybe like him a little.

“When’d you get here?” I asked, he sounded relatively out of breath. I played with his hair with my fingers.

“Took and early flight, but when I heard I rushed straight here.” He kissed my forehead. “I’m just glad you’re okay. But I gotta run so I’ll se-catch you later.” He caught himself, before letting go and running out of the room. It wasn’t until we couldn’t hear his footsteps that Callie spoke.

“I don’t see why you’re still dating. He’s such a tool. I mean ‘I rushed straight here. I’m just glad you’re okay.’ And then he just left.” She used her generic guys voice, but laid it on a little thick, sounding like a tool herself.

“Whatever. Didja bring me food?” She shoved a burger in my and sat me down on the chair, I could her move over and sit on my bed.

“Eat up, fatty.” She teased.


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