The Night I found the Truth

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After a 1 hour ride, Haruka took me to a really fancy restaurant down twon.

Haruka: This is a really good restaurant, its Italian so I hope you like pasta.

She smiled at me. I blushed a little.

Me: Yes I actually love Italian food. Thanks for bringing me to such a nice place.

We came inside the restaurant. It had a really nice vibe, the walls had a lot of paintigs from places in Italy, flowers, some mini statues next to the door. We sat right at the end of the restaurant next to a window.

Waitress: Good evening ladys, what can I get for you today?

Haruka: I want some bolognese, pita bread and a cola. You Gaby?

Me: I want the same and a Sprite.

Waitress: Okay, what about dessert?

Haruka: I will have miss Gaby right here.

She winked at me.

Me: S-Stupid!

I was blushing so was embarrasing.

Haruka: Okay, Okay, Ill want a coffee and a piece of lemon tart.

Me: Ill want two cream and cookies ice cream balls please.

Waitress: Okay, thank you and Ill be right back with your food and drinks.

The waitress left and Haruka looked at me kinda serious.

Haruka: Ive been wanting to tell you something for a long time.

Me: What is it?

Haruka: You and Michiru, we are actually both part of a group of scouts here in Japan. You saw on the news yesterday that monster next to the mall trying to kill everyone and how two sailor scouts saved the population from that monster. That was me and Michiru. Ive always been with her since the beginning but she is thinking of giving up to pursue her dream of being a violinist and travel the world on a boat. So, if she does I will need someone to help me.

Me: ...You are saying that you are one of the sailor scouts? Like sailor moon?

Haruka: Yes but with more style I mean, she is cute and all but I think I can be really strong.

Me: Were would I get my powers?

Haruka: Theres a stone that sailor scouts keep for emergencies if one of us gives up. The stone was made from Lunas and Artemis powers when they lived on the moon. The stone has the powers of all the moons and if its controled right, can even have the same power as Sailor Moon.

Me: If it has all that power, why me? What do I have that is so special?

Haruka: Your heart. Is pure, full of determination, imagination and love. I feel like you would make a really cute and powerful sailor scout. Michiru will give me an answer tomorrow but dont tell anyone about this okay?

Me: Okay...I promise.

We ate the dinner in silence. She wanted me to have time to think about it. Of course I want to be a sailor scout with Haruka, so, maybe I should be a sailor scout.

We left the restaurant after a couple hours on her motorcycle. The night was getting colder and colder so I holded her tightly.

After some minutes, we reached my house.

Haruka: Well, here we are.

Me: Thank you for everything.

I handed her the helmet she gave me.

Haruka: Keep it, after all we will spend a lot of time together now.

She winked. I smiled.

Me: Okay, good night Haruk, see you tomorrow.

Haruka: Dont you think I deserve something?

I turned to her.

Me: What is it?

She pointed at her cheek, she wanted a kiss.

Me: Fine, fine.

I reached her cheek but before I could feel her face I felt something warm and soft touching my lips. We kissed right there, in the middle of a cold night. I dont how long it was but it felr like an enternity. She seperated our lips and smiled seeing my blushing.

Haruka: Night Gaby.

Then, she left. I could feel the wind in my face because she lefted so quick. I went inside. Was that a dream? Was it reality? What will happen tomorrow?

I laid in bed and slept trough the night.

What will happen in the next chapter?

❤Haruka Tenoh Fanfiction❤ (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now