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Scorpion-- a cold-hearted black tom

Caspar -- a ginger and black tom
Apprentice, Heather

Healers: (cats who failed their assessment)
Soot -- a ash-gray she-cat
Twist -- a tortoiseshell she-cat with a twisted tail
Dapple -- a brown and white tabby she-cat
Crow -- a black tom

Warriors: (cats that passed their assessment)
Night -- a black tom white white flecks
Apprentice, Blizzard
Orchid -- a silver tabby she-cat
Thorn -- a brown tabby tom; Dolly's mate
Rapid -- a pale ginger tom; Wolf's mate
Apprentice, Hawk
Dolly -- a small tortoiseshell she-cat; Thorn's mate
Parsley -- a cream and brown tom
Apprentice, Tiny
Midnight -- a white and black she-cat; Cedar
Ebony -- a white and gold she-cat; Finch's mate
Apprentice, Fitz
Nebula-- a blind white she-cat with gray flecks
Holly -- a black she-cat
Finch -- a ginger and white tom; Ebony's mate
Star -- a silver tabby she-cat
Cedar -- a light brown tom; Midnight's mate
Apprentice, Flare
Mint -- a white tabby she-cat
Apprentice, Jinx
Sage -- a tortoiseshell and white tom; Comet's mate
Talon-- a blue furred tom; Sorrel's mate
Apprentice, Ivy
Scar -- a gray tom with a scar across his muzzle
Apprentice, Celia

Apprentices: (6 moons - 11 moons old)
Jinx -- a silver tabby she-cat
Blizzard -- a blue furred tom
Tiny -- a small black she-cat with one white paw
Fitz -- a golden tom
Heather -- a fluffy gray she-cat with darker gray ears and tail-tip

Kit-apprentices: (kits, once they open their eyes)
Flare -- a ginger tom-kit
Celia -- a ginger and tan tabby she-kit
Misty -- a gray tabby she-kit
Hawk -- a white tom-kit
Ivy -- a red furred she-kit

Kit Mothers:
Sorrel -- a ginger tabby she-cat; Talon's mate
(Misty, Celia and Flare)
Comet -- a calico she-cat; Sage's mate (Ivy and Hawk)
Wolf -- a gray she-cat with a white underbelly; Rapid's mate (expecting)

Elders: (Warriors that have retired to rest)
Leap -- a calico tabby tom; Milk's mate
Dove -- a red furred she-cat
Hail -- a blue furred tom
Milk -- a creamy white she-cat; Leap's mate

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