Chapter 8

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The first light of dawn peeked through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. I stirred awake, the remnants of the night still swirling in my mind, but when I turned to my side, I found the space next to me empty. A hint of disappointment washed over me, but I shook it off, reminding myself that it was early, and Steve might be training or preparing for the day.

Slipping out of bed, I quickly suited up in my fighting gear, the familiar fabric hugging my form and making me feel powerful. As I made my way down the hallway, the quiet of the house enveloped me, each step echoing softly against the walls.

I entered the common area and spotted Clint sitting on the couch, deep in thought. His furrowed brow and distant gaze told me he was lost in whatever strategizing was occupying his mind. I approached him, breaking the silence. "Hey, Hawkeye. What's got you so focused this early?"

He glanced up, a hint of a smile breaking through. "Just thinking, trying to anticipate the worst-case scenarios."

I chuckled, settling onto the arm of the couch beside him. "And here I thought you only worried about the odds of hitting your target."

Clint rolled his eyes playfully before turning serious again. "You know how unpredictable things can get."

Before I could respond, we noticed Laura walking into the room, her presence warm and inviting. I exchanged a quick glance with Clint, understanding the unspoken cue. "I'll let you two catch up," I said, rising from my perch.

As I made my way out, I headed toward the hangar where the Quinjet awaited. Stepping inside, I was greeted by the familiar hum of the engines and the sight of my teammates already gathered. Steve stood among them, and our eyes met for a brief moment—a knowing glance that held all the unspoken words from the night before.

"Morning, Alice," Tony called, glancing up from his screen. "Ready for the day?"

"Always," I replied, taking my seat. Bruce was immersed in his notes, while Nat and Fury were discussing the mission details, Hill organizing equipment nearby. The energy in the cabin was charged, a mixture of excitement and tension as we prepared for what lay ahead.

After a few moments of chatter, Clint finally entered, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Did I miss the pre-mission pep talk?" he joked, taking a seat next to me.

"Just getting started," Steve said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. And with that, we set our sights on Seoul, ready to face whatever awaited us.

The air was charged with tension as we prepared for the mission ahead. Natasha and Clint dropped Steve and me on the rooftop of a nondescript building, our eyes scanning the skyline for the U-Gin Genetic Research Lab.

"Two minutes. Stay close," Steve's voice crackled through the comms, his tone steady and authoritative.

I nodded, adrenaline coursing through my veins. "Let's move."

Together, we made our way inside the lab, the sterile environment starkly contrasting the chaos outside. There, we found Dr. Helen Cho, injured but resolute. "Dr. Cho!" I called out, rushing to her side as Steve pressed his hands against her wound to staunch the bleeding.

"He's uploading himself into the body," she gasped, her eyes wide with urgency.

"Where?" Steve demanded, his voice firm.

"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up," she warned, turning her gaze to me. "You have to get the Cradle to your brother."

"First, we have to find it," Steve replied, determination etched across his face.

"Go," Dr. Cho urged.

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