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Kd hears a knock at the door and answers and sees julie and rolled her eyes and invited her in
Kd: Wtf u want
Julie: Im sorry for last night it wasnt my fault it was Milla fault she said she was gon kill me if i didnt do it so i did it but im gayy and i have to tell u sum
Kd: Go ahead 😑
Julie: Your my little sister
Kd: * Stares at her in her eyes Tears started to form she starts crying * i missed u so fucking much juju mama and daddy nitty ass didnt have to do this to us...
Juju: * Got up and cuddle up next to her and starts crying* i know right
Cookie: * Cames downstairs crying cause she heard everything and cuddle up with them*Whyy!!??? U two was perfect i remember yall i was yall neighbor i saw yall play 24/7 when u got hurt she was there and she got beat for doing that shit by helping her they was so cruel.....
Juju: I know right * wiping her tears* and i got some else to tell you i got a child her name keyyanna vyette curtis shes 1 year old she looks just like please forgive me
Kd: I do and i wanna meet my god daughter now!??? But how imma say sorry to roc
Juju: i told him everything but he said aight and walked away
Kd: Oh... Okay
Juju: Now come on u and cookie so yall can see yall neice
Kd: Come correct our daughter...
Cookie: Yeah our daughter kd and mines we made it we 3 family
Juju: Lol...

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