The Story, Unedited

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 Leah glanced around the room, perplexed. She wondered how she had gotten there.She looked down at herself and realised she was starkers!Unlike the last time she unknowingly found herself indecent however; the chill that trickled down her spine was not one of shame or discomfort as much as it was one of warmth or -dare she think it- excitement, tingling with what must've been what her mother told her about yesterday: womanhood. A soft rapping at the door called Leah's attention away from her thoughts.Mother had always told her to never open the door for strangers, but the boy at the door wasn't a stranger. Jonathan knocked on the door again and said, "Leah, open the damn door and let me love you. It's cold outside.""One minute" She mumbled, glancing at herself quickly in the mirror noticing the way her brown eyes stood out among her pale complexion.She wasn't really confident about opening that door.Who knew what trick Jonathan had up his sleeve this time? The last time she had let him in her house was proof enough that he was bad news.She thought about climbing out the window just to avoid Jonathan.But decided not to because it was freezing cold outside. Instead, she put some clothes on and kept quiet, hoping that her silence would make Jonathan leave. "Leah, please." She heard Jonathan plead from behind the closed door; knowing that she would later regret this she pulled open the door a fraction of an inch and peeked out at a smirking Jonathan.Johnathan shoved the rest of the door aside and stepped inside the room, rubbing his hands together to warm them.He had an unpleasant surprise waiting for her.He looked around the dark, empty house and with an evil glint in his eyes whispered, "Looks like it's only you and me."Her eyes widened in both fear and surprise. But she smirks and tries to play it cool, she shrug then she speaks. "I'm sorry I am very allergic to non sense can you please repeat?" She winks"We're finally alone, Leah," he whispered into her ears.His chilling breath moved down her neck like a slithering snake, pinning her down on the spot."Your not good for me, Jonathon." Leah whispered, hoping that her simple statement would not only convince the boy that stood before her, but also herself.Jonathan ignored her insincere attempt to make him go away and took a step closer to her so that they were standing chest to chest.He reached his arm up and gently pushed a strand of her wavy hair back behind her ear."You're the one that I want," Said the same hushed and bulky voice that was Jonathan.Leah felt an involuntary shiver run down her spine"I know your secret." The atmosphere in the room changed, the room was much darker and there seemed to be a space of coldness resonating above them."W-what?" She tried to play it off but the catch in her words gave her away."You know exactly what I'm talking about. Go on then Leah, tell me. Where are you hiding them?" said Jonathan. He moved closer to her, and before he could make any movement, she backed away. "I am not hiding anything!" she yelled. "I will not let you control me any longer. Go away." she continued, through gritted teeth."So are you going to make it easy for me... or not?" He questioned, his large smile growing across his face, exposing his teeth."What part of 'get out' don't you get?" she replied, grabbing the knife from behind her."Why make this difficult? Calm down, have a seat." He demands, pulling out a pistol from the back of jeans, aiming it at Leah.Leah froze.Tears leaked their way out of the corners of her eyes, she blinked harshly: she could not show any emotion."Stay away," she said as she pointed the knife towards him."Why should I?" He chuckles."Do you not understand how long I have been waiting to do this?" He whispered, edging closer and closer..."I don't care, I'm not telling you anything!" She cried, waving the knife around aimlessly towards him, hoping that it would cut him."So there is something to hide?" He questioned, his eyes somehow darkening with anger, and she felt the cold metal of the gun pressed up against her head."Well, I have no choice. Three days. Or you're dead." Jonathan knew he couldn't kill her; how could he if she knew all the answers?Jonathan would do anything for the answers, even if it meant breaking her.A girl was nothing in comparison to the power that would lay in his hands when he finally found them.She watched him closely as she retreated back to the front door, her heart still pounding and the sweat fill dripping around her eyebrows"Where are the stones, Leah?" Jonathan said harshly, trying to make the girl that had once meant more to him than all the gold in this world give up the location of the enchanted stones that could give mere mortals more power than any force of nature."The stones don't matter anymore, you shouldn't be looking for them... and... even if I did know where they were - which I do not - then I wouldn't tell you anyway!" She said through gritted teeth.Previously, he would have given up the power, just to spend a moment with her- who'd have guessed that these stones were the things that destroyed their connection; who had smashed their way through the carefully laid foundation of their relationship."The power comes at a price, Jonathan! I know that more than anyone." Leah says looking into his despite eyes."You where my price." "It will cost us everyone! The price is the lives of every single person on the planet Leah! Don't tell me it won't rest on your conscience because I know it will." He drew he closer and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "You cannot lie to me."Leah looked away, her eyes becoming blurry as she pushed back tears. "I don't know what to say Jonathan. I really don't." "Say yes.... even if it's the only thing you can say," He said, taking Leah's hand gently and pulling her closer. "Say yes to us."Leah stared at him until she looked back down at her hand which was being held up by Jonathan. A funny tingle shivered down her spine, a warm tingle that she couldn't ignore."Jonathan... even if I did tell you about the 5 stones of death-" Leah stopped dead in her tracks and quickly pulled away from Jonathan, realizing that this was all a huge mistake. " I have only researched them! Even when I did there was no way to acquire them! Please Jonathan, have to believe me!""Well, I don't"" He said impatient, HIS eyes locked Into hers, intense blue irises which refused to look away They bared into her soul, a place where only he could see; they begged. Pleaded her for an answer. "Of course you don't have them, they are lost... I really can't be talking to you, you shouldn't have even turned up!" She cried, turning her back on Jonathan."You have ruined everything Jonathan! Everything!"Jonathan inched towards her but stopped. "I'm sorry..." "Goodbye Jonathan." Leah whispered, opening the door and leaving, entering the busy street.Leah sat at home, her eyes scanning over a large and old book that seemed to be rubbing at the edges. After a while of looking, she came across something odd and usual.Two pages were glued to the back cover; almost as if they were concealing something?. A small boy was wandering aimlessly towards her, his arms flinging about the place whilst holding onto a model train, she closed the bookShe looked up at him and smiled, clutching the book tightlyTom!" She yelled, her voice carrying downstairs," I thought you were meant to be babysitting him today.""Sorry about that, I got caught up for a while. Get back here Richard!" he yelled backLeah rolled her eyes and took hold of the baby gently, lifting him up into the hair and taking him down into the living room, where Tom was laying watching TV."You are so lazy, you know that?" Leah laughed, giving her brother a small punch before glancing at the TV.The TV was playing a news report... "5 victims are killed in a huge shopping center shoot out. The murderer is still yet to be found and they are searching far and wide for any eyewitnesses..""Why did you do that for?" Her brother hissed."Oh shut up." She rolled her eyes, returning back to her room upstairs and opening the book back up to the chapter about the 5 stones of death.She had left it long enough. The pull of the mysterious concealed space was practically calling her name too strong to ignore. But there were more important matters to address.She quickly scanned through the chapter, her eyes glued and enchanted.

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