Up to the sky

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     Sarah and Lily sat on the tree for a while and they started to feel hungry. "Hey! Shall we eat something? I bought some food." Sarah opened her bag, "I forgot about the food. Sorry for letting you hungry." Sarah accidently dropped a book. Luckily, Lily caught it right before it was going to fall down to the ground. "Phew! That was close." Lily said when she had a look at the book, "Wait! It's the diary you told me, right?" The book had a cover with a hand-drawn picture and some gemstones. Sarah hadn't answer but Lily shouted: "Look! It is the legendary Phoenix. We can use it to travel to the East Coast." "You're right. We can use the bread to decoy the Phoenix." Sarah said while waving her hand with a piece of bread. When the Bird reached their tree, Sarah tamed it and the two girls sat on the Phoenix.

     "This is the first time I fly this high. I'm feeling like on top of the world." shouted Sarah, "At least I can see the whole village, nah, not village, there are only two people live on this Lost Isle." "Actually three, not two." smiled Lily, "The author of the Diary." Sarah turned the pages of the Diary. "How it could happen? The Book is really old, it looked like was written hundreds years ago." Sarah looked at Lily with a curious face. "You should know, everything is mystery on the Island of Mystery. You know the name." smiled Lily, "This legendary Phoenix, too." Sarah fed the Phoenix, cuddled it, and looked at it with a loving gaze. "Woo hoo! This Phoenix flies really fast." cheered Sarah, "Huh? Why it is so cloudy?" The girls looked around. "It is sparkling." whispered Lily, "The Cloud Forest. We have to get down there." She looked really stress while looking down the tall trees with some magical sparkle dust. "Why?" Sarah said, "Are there any prob... Woooh... The Phoenix is landing."

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