Chapter 1: The Story...

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  I was always told I was way too mature for my age. Even at the young age of 5 I was way too responsible. Not that I had much of a choice, I was kind of forced into that position.

My father was in the military since before I was born. I was a daddy's girl, so it made it hard when he was away for long periods of time. Although I was still very close to my mother, it was nothing compared to my father and I's relationship.

Since my father was away most the time, mom would find random jobs here and there in order to help pay the bills. The military helped us, so we weren't that poor, but the extra money mom brought in really helped.

Since I didn't really have either of my parents around to sit and play with me, I had to become the responsible one. I made sure the house was clean, that mom had a meal waiting for her when she came home from long hours of work, and anything else I could do. Even though I was 5, I didn't really mind. I was helping my family out.

And then it happened

I was always a light sleeper, waking up at the smallest sound within the house. So, when the phone rang in the middle of the night, I woke up. Now, this has happened before. There's always that one foreign telemarketer that calls and hopes you answer. But it felt different than other times. I knew something was wrong. Peeling back my camo blanket that belonged to my dad, I crept as quietly as I could out of my room and down the stairs I listened closely. My mom mumbled something into the phone before a muffled gasp followed by a sob echoed in my ears. As I rounded the corner I watched as my mom collapse onto the couch, covering her face with her hands as she sobbed.

"Mom?" I whispered. She quickly tried to compose herself, wiping away the tears that continued to stream down her face.

"Baby go back to bed please" She begged, trying to contain herself.

"What's wrong?" I asked, ignoring her.

"baby, please" She begged. One look at my stern face she broke down, letting the tears go. "You know how your dad goes away to fight those bad guys?"

"Yes" I answered hesitantly. My dad had just left a week ago to go back and fight. It was the first time we had seen him in person for over a year and he got to come home for a few weeks. Right before he left we found out mom was pregnant. He was so excited to have another child.

"Well, he got hurt, honey. And he's not going to come back anymore" She cried

I stared at her, tears of my own running down my face. All I could do was turn around and run back to my room and wrap myself in his blanket that still had his lingering sent.

The next time it happened was on my 9th birthday. Mom had just had my baby sister, Chloe, a few months ago. She decided for my birthday that it would just be the two of us. We left Chloe with the sitter and the two of us took off for dinner and ice cream. It was the perfect night.

At least, it was supposed to be.

We were on our way from dinner and on our way to the ice cream place that was just down the road when we heard a noise from an alley. As we passed the dark alley way the noise got louder and more aggressive. I thought in my head that it was probably just a cat or a dog.

God, why couldn't it had been a dog.

To sum up the story in a few sentences, there was a bunch of drunk guys in the alley that night. They raped and killed my mother, right in front of me. Somehow, I got away with just a cut across my chest, a reminder of that night forever.


Now, I am 17 years old, raising an eight-year-old. Somehow that night I convinced them that my mother was my aunt and they let me go, no questions asked. I also convinced the sitter that my mother and I had decided to just go to the store and get ice cream and that she should leave me with Chloe, The stupid teen ager believed me.

I sat up with a gasp as another nightmare flooded my brain. There always the same. Memories of that night were always on my mind. Pushing my sweat drenched hair out of my face I glanced at the clock, groaning as the red numbers, 6:00 AM, mocked my tired state. Knowing I wasn't going to get any more sleep I started my usually morning routine.

Today was a different day. It was the first day of school. My first day of senior year.

Hopping in the shower to rinse of the remains of my nightmare I ran a brush quickly through my hair and threw on my usual outfit, a thinning t-shirt and jeans with holes in them. My closet doesn't have that much in it, only a few outfits that I needed to get through the week. All the money I make goes to rent and food. Whatever is left goes to Chloe and whatever she may need.

Speaking of Chloe, it was time to get her up. She might be 8 years old, but she can be as bad as a teenager in the mornings. Walking up to her room, I smiled as I leaned against her doorway, staring at her sleeping face. And angel as she slept, a devil to be woken.

Flicking on the lights as I made my way to her bed I climbed right in, dragging my nails across her back as she began to stir. Her eyes slowly blinked open, showing her bright blue eyes that reminded me so much of our father.

"Hey, bear. "I whispered. "It's time to get up"

Grabbing her pillow, she placed it over her head with a groan, trying to block me and the light out.

"Come on C.T. It's a new week, new day. Come on. I'll make breakfast. You know what day it is" I said with a small smirk, knowing it would work.

Peeling back the pillow she poked one eye open and glared. "Smiley face pancakes?"

"And you know it."

She hesitated for a minute before letting her bottom lip out in a pout. "You're mean"

"Alright, I guess I won't make pancakes today." I lied getting up from her bed and started for the door.

"No!" I'm up. See" She yelled jumping up and down on her bed.

"Chloe Elizabeth Taylor you break that box spring and you'll be sleeping on the floor" I warned her, my mom voice coming out, making her stop jumping right away. "And you know I'm joking. Of course, I'll make them. Now, you go get dressed and I'll start cooking. Deal?"

"Deal" She squealed running to her closet.

Laughing I exited her room and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed all the essentials from the fridge, Bacon, fruit, juice and pancake mix. As I finished cooking everything Chloe came bouncing in the kitchen wearing her favorite dress and signature pigtails in her hair. She jumped onto the bar stool and smiled over at me.

"Are they almost done yet" Her asked in her sweat voice, sounding out of breath.

"Almost young grasshopper. Be patient" I said in a serious voice making her laugh. I placed the small stack of pancakes in front of her and her eyes lit up.

"Alright babes, time to get serious. Face décor time." We each grabbed our own stuff to decorate the pancakes.

"Look K.T. she's got hair like you" Chloe's contagious giggle sounded through the room. I looked over at her pancake to see she tried to create a messy bun.

"Well, I think you do a messy bun better than I do Bear." I smiled at her. "Here I'll do pigtails like you"

Grabbing the cool whip, I drew two lines down the side of the pancakes in an attempt to make the pigtails. After we finished decorating I ate quickly so I could go get my school clothes on. Baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants.

"You ready to go Chloe bear?" I asked setting her bag on the table.

"Can I pretty please not go to school?" She begged, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

"Sorry babes, first day of school. It'll be great. I had your teacher when I was your age, you'll love her" I promise. "Now, let's go"

"Fine" She said, continuing to pout. Grabbing her jacket and backpack we set off to school.

A.N. So I stumbled upon this and decided to redo what I've written and maybe even continue it. Who knows what'll happen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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