Grade Five

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-Mark's POV-
I look up at the grade 6 who was kicking me in the back after he threw me to the ground... My cheeks are stained with tears as my eyes are still watery.
"You're beaten good enough.... Next time don't think that being gay is aloud because it's not" he warns.
"I'm not gay" I lie as I sit up.
"Don't lie to me! I've seen the way you look at Jack" he says as he kicks me between the legs where it hurts so bad. Just then Jack runs in and the older boy pretends to help me up.... I look at him with a confused look.
"Mark! What happened?" Jack asks as he comes closer to me "I was looking all over for you"
"I just got in here and he was laying on the ground crying" the older boy says.
"You fucking lier!!" I yell as I get up and walk over to Jack "you're such a fucking lier..... He was the one that brought me in here and beat the living hell out of me"
"Sam? Did you really do this? Why?" Jack asks sadly as Sam is a good friend of his.
"I didn't do anything... He's lying"
"I know Mark well.... Mark is a lot of things but he is NOT a lier" Jack says as he helps me walk to the door.
"Fine I did it... Because he likes you and I don't want him turning you gay like he is okay" the boy says. I start laughing out loud... Jack joins in on laughing.
"I'm just laughing at that statement... How ridiculous does that sound! You don't want me turning Jack gay! Ha ha ha ha! That's not how it works dumbass! If he likes guys then so be it but I can't just change someone just like that it's what they want" I say as we head out of the bathroom and down the hall to the office where we tell them everything that happened. About 40 minutes later the bell rings and we go home.... Jack comes over to my place.
"Can we be older already" I sigh.
"I know I wish we could be older because I'm so done with being young and helpless.... We can do things for ourselves yet I mean like going places" Jack says as we lay in the grass looking up at the sky.
"Yeah and we're not strong enough yet... Well I mean we could be but that'd be weird.. I want to be able to stand up for myself" I say.
"Hey Mark..." Jack whispers with a giggle.
"Strolling, down the street, the square street
A fair sheet of square sleet below my feet" Jack giggles
"Creeper's what they call me, but even I see, that all of this beauty can fill me with such glee
Look at this tall tree, It's nature's majesty" I continue.
"Would it be so bad if someone BLEW THE FUCK OUT OF IT?!?!?
This sweet pig here, alone walking around, he has the perfect face for GETTING RIPPED FROM THE INSIDE FUCKING OUT!" We both laugh.
"Hey Mr. Creeper!" I sing.
"WHAT?!?!?" Jack yells in a fake angry tone.
"There's no need for that kind of language"
"The only F word is fun!
Life's even sweeter without explosions!" I sing as I get up and start running, to the best of ability, Jack follows me.
"Minecraft is for everyone! Hurray!
Let's all be nice today, everyone is at play
And there's no need to blow them away!" We both sing.
"Oh, Hi!" Jack says.
"Let's go help those two guys build a house and..."
"BOOM!" Jack makes the sound effect.
"Nope, nope, see, this is exactly what I'm talking about
If you've gotta curse, just say the word fudge, aptly no one will judge..." I continue.
"Stop! No more exploding or cursing, no one else has to die! Okay?" I look at Jack.
"Fuck it, I'll try" he smiles at me.
"Okay, we're off to a bad start, but that's fine" I say as I try acting like I mean it.
"I'm on a nice kick, I'll make some friends quick!
I don't have many because everyone's a huge diii-aaauugh
I have to admit, I just might lose it, having to give up my favorite things is funky bullshrimp!
Oh man, it's hard not to be mean" Jack says.
"Hey guys, do you need any help writing lyrics?" We both say.
"No, you don't know anything about Minecraft music!" Jack yells.
"But- but I'm Notch!" We both say in our best British accent.
"More like NOTCH-yo song!
Oh shhhugar-snap peas I went there!" Jack yells with a huge smile.
"Tee Hee! We're so happy and free!
Let's clear away the debris from all the ruined lives of your killing spree!
It's fun! To be nice to some one, they'll really love you a ton!" I sing.
"You know what? Why don't you kneel down and kiss my creepy-"
"BUNS! There's so much love and magic in rapture, hearts will be captured!"
"Monkey Fighting Glass Bowl Mother Scratcher!"
"We just learned a lesson, Creepers can make amends!
Guess what? You're my new Frie-" I cut myself off.
"BOOM!" We both yell as we drop to the ground laughing.
"That was amazing!" Jack laughs.
"I know!" I laugh with him. After a while we calm down.... I look over at Jack with a smile... I take a deep breath.
"I love you Jack" I whisper just loud enough for him to hear it. He looks relatively calm for what I just said.
"I love you too"

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