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Doreán-"Free" Greek

Cerise had never met Neville Longbottom.
Neville had never met Cerise Lancaster.
Cerise watched people. She thought it was fun. But not in a creepy way, in a I wanna figure out your life story. She had move on after she thought she figured your story. She had started when she met Willa. Willa had read her in a minute, knew her brother was named Perseus, her Mothers name was Ophelia, Her moms side of the family was Greek, and that her dad was dead. That's when they became best friends. This was in Cerise's second year and Willa's fourth.
     Someone caught Cerise's eye. A tall boy with Gryffindor robes, and a slight smile. His hair was combed back and his eyes were an unidentifiable from the distance but she hoped they were as beautiful as he was. Cerise had left her spot on the stairs just as they were moving.
"Hello," Cerise had never greeted anyone new like that. It was usually something snarky telling them how they were blessed with the presence of Queen Cerise. But this guy was different. She just felt she needed to be nice to him. It was just some feeling she had deep inside. Kind of when she met Theo a feeling they would be close.
"H-h-hi." The boy had barely stuttered out.
"I'm Lancaster. Cerise Lancaster." Cerise had chuckled and so did the boy.
"Neville Longbottom." Neville had shared showing a bit more confidence then the last time he spoke. Now that Cerise was standing next to Neville she could see his eyes were a brilliant hazel color. Not brown enough to be brown. Not green enough to be green. Almost a mix so that its not even hazel, but a new color that Cerise had never seen before.
     "So Neville why haven't I seen you before?"
"I spend a lot of my time in the Gryffindor Common room." The boy had said as if he's talking to a friend who he hasn't seen in a while. When really he was talking to a complete stranger. Almost, he at least knew her name.
    "Well I'm not exactly allowed in there now am I?" Neville was surprised the Ravenclaw girl had carried on a conversation this long with him. It also surprised him when she scolded him like them not meeting was his fault. Partially it was, if he wasn't so shy he would have the confidence to talk to girls like Cerise.
What shocked Neville the most was when Cerise had ended the conversation.
"I have to go, but, I'll talk to you later right?"
Cerise had genuinely like talking to Neville, unlike with some of the other Ravenclaws Cerise just nods her head and thinks of happier times. But with Neville it was different, she wanted to hear him talk. The last time she felt this way was when she met Willa and the twins. That scared Cerise, she met them years ago. Why was he just now stumbling into her life?
     The walk to Umbridge's office was stupid. She knew she was writing lines, boring, stupid, lines. Umbridge's office was pink. Cerise hated pink. There was cats on plates all over the wall. Cerise liked cats, but this was ruining her love for cats.
    "Hello, miss Lancaster, take out some parchment you'll be writing lines tonight." She sat at her desk sweater around her shoulders, drinking tea which I think is the souls of children. I take out my parchment, and reach for a quill.
    "Oh, Miss Lancaster I have my own quill for you." She has a quill, but no normal quill.  All the time I've spent with Fred and George I know that's no normal quill.
    "Don't I need ink?"
    "No, just star writing."
    "What exactly?" Cerise had an idea of what quills these are, if she was right, then she was right then she was writing what she wants to. She had a plan, a weird plan.
    "I will not talk back to my teacher."
    She starts writing, but not what Umbridge told her. The searing pain started in her left hand when she started writing on the paper. Skatá sas Umbridge. (Fuck you Umbridge). If she had this scar forever she wants something she could laugh at, right?
     After an hour of breaking skin Cerise gives up,"Can I be done now?" She was an impatient person.
    "Let me see your hand." Umbridge says holding her hand out. Cerise gives her her left hand proudly.
    "Want to translate?" She's says as if Cerise has a choice.
    "Nope." It was a common affair, Cerise spoke or wrote something in Greek, Umbrige wants to know, Cerise says 'nope'. Cerise takes this as their moment, she grabs her bag and runs.
    "Zíto i Elláda!" Cerise had yelled sprinting down the hall, laughing all the way.
      (long live Greece)
Hello I hope you enjoyed. It's shorted but we had our first Ceville or Nerise moment. Which ship name is better? I was wondering if you guys would like a Willa fic. Willa as in Willa Green, one of my favorite Hufflepuffs who's a genius. I love Willa but I won't be using her much in this book, because she is a seventh year, and I really want you guys to love her as much as I do. I would plan on calling it 'Predictable' its about Willa and someone else. I already know who. But tell me your opinion about it. I would also need a cover and I don't have a face claim for Willa, I'm just thinking red hair maybe Ebba Zingmark. But if you're interested just tell me. I might just ask the person I hade make the Overconfident cover to do it. With great thanks, ::sid::

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