Kai: It all started with me meeting slenderman .I was wondering his forest when I was 14. he said I had to go join his crew to become a creepy pasta. I did not know what he saw in me but I always admired the creepy pasta crew. I even met Jeff the killer once in a alleyway.
Slender took me deeper into the forest after I agree, to bring me to his mansion where all the creepy pasta lived.
The place looked like it was lit up with bullets and fire but still managed to keep its structure. It was pretty huge inside(alot cleaner too)
"It will take hours for the initiation to start" slender said heading towards a big door which i thoughts was his office "so go do something while you wait"
Before of even thinking of what to do, i looked around only to see red eyes staring at me almost every where i turn.
Suddenly as I looked back,right behind me it was Sally holding a beat up teddy bear. The red eyes were gone, it was still pitch black except for little Sally but then moon light came from the cracks in the main hall.
Suddenly she spoke
"Do you want to play" she said strongly and soft at the same time
Then I spoke back past my black scarf
"Kid your not rea-" I tried to say right before she tried to shank me with a knife
"I'm it!" she said smiling, holding the knife and bear close before dashing at me again.Sally: the kid was as fast as me. Every quick move I try and make he would invade even faster. This is abnormal for a human... I like it.
I took a another stab at him, it sort of felt like we were dancing in the moon light I can feel him smiling past his black scarf.
Suddenly he stopped. Probably to catch his breath but I attack him while he is off guard. But he grabbed my knife....by the blade. I tryed getting if out of his hand but it wouldn't budge even though he was bleeding.
"You might want to stop now" he said as he let go of the blade
I stood there puzzled and he chuckled
"You look cute trying to figure me out"
I blushed holding my teddy closerKai: wow she looks cute puzzled like that, she even tilted her head I smile and laugh before she lunches at me the last time.
I grabbed her by the wrist and knee her in the stomach with a quarter of my strength making her spit saliva and choke.
Suddenly a knife was at my throat
"You should have not done that human....go to Sleep" the guy said ha its Jeff
I quickly grabbed his wrist and lunged my head backwards at his.
I felt contact. And I back kicked him on to the floor.
I started laughing agean.Sally: he would be laughing jacks best friend if he wasn't human I still like him though. Even if he made my stomach hurt.
Jeff stands up and confronts the human head on but the human fights back anyway then laughs through his dark scarf.
"You guys are fun" he says
He reached out to me and Jeff wavering at us to grab us by the hand. I grab my knife and try to cut it off so does Jeff. Both hands fall off and he tumbled back looking at his missing hands. Then he falls. Me and Jeff look at each other smiling as the humans blood sprayed every were.Jeff the killer: the human was challenging i'd have to admit but we killed him like we do any other human. Suddenly a voice appeared
"Damn my wrist hurts like hell" it said.
Its the human, but he was not human.Kai: i re-created my hands and pulled my scarf down under my chin. Both Sally and Jeff stared.
"I'm no longer human" my sharp teeth chatter. My mouth runs along my cheeks giving me 2 times as many
teeth than a normal human. I am a monster