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Its been 2 days since I've seen Niall.

And since Darcy has become best friends with him.

"Mommy I want to play"

"Okay go ahead babe" I said not looking up from my phone.

"But mommy I want to play with Niall!" she whined.

"Okay okay I'll give him a call"

"Yay" she screeched. An ran to her room.

I dialed Nialls number.

Ring ring ring.

"hello" wait that wasn't Niall! This guys voice was raspy but sounded familiar.

"umm hello can I speak with Niall Horan...please"

"umm who's this?" he asked.

"Embry.....Embry Green a-a-and who's this?" I asked.

"Edward styles and sorry Niall isn't here he left his phone" he said.

"umm.......okay...and did you say styles?"

"yeah? Well I'm sorry embry I've got to go nice meeting you...ish"he chuckled.

"Okay Thanx uh bye Edward" I said

"Bye love"

And I hung up.

I Should tell sally!

I forgot. R.I.P Sally.

I need a friend. Or at least someone to talk to. I miss her we told each other everything.


"mum, are you okay" Darcy said holding my hand.

I smiled. "Yes sweetly I'm fine umm Niall cant play today sorry"

"Oh ok" and she walked back upstairs in our new better flat.

It was like 4 in the afternoon. I was bored. We should go for a walk.

"Darcy!" I sang.

"yes mum" she answered.

"want to go to the park"

"Yes!" she squealed.

*at the park.

I was dressed in black jeans and a purple 'Hipsta please' hoodie. My hair was in a messy bun. And I wore my black vans and my ray bans shades.Darcy was the same. We always matched. Well most of the time.

"ready Darcy" I said. We were playing soccer. We just passed the ball back and forth.

"Ready" she said jumping.

I kicked it and she stopped it like a pro. Yeh I have a very intelligent daughter.

"Okay ready again" I asked her.

"Niall!" she yelled happily. I was obviously lost.

"what?" I turned around seeing Niall along with Louis, Liam , Zayn , and

Harry? Wait there's two? What the fondu? (I try not to cuss)

"Princess!" he yelled back.

She got a horan hug.

"hey Embry I heard you called earlier" he said lifting Darcy up and just holding her.

"Oh yeah Darcy wanted you to play with her" I said shyly.

"hello" said Lou. "aren't you a cutie pie" he said pinching Darcy's cheeks lightly. She giggled. I smiled because she was happy.

"embry?" Liam said looking at me carefully.

"hey Liam" I said with a smile.

I didn't Expect a hug. But okay.

"Embry! Long time no see" Lou said picking me up from the ground.

I laughed. "Lou,put .me .doWN" I laughed.

"Embry hey vas happenin'" he joked the vas happenin' part because we were/are vas happenin' buddies.

"vas happenin' Zayn!" I have him a big hug.

I looked around and didn't see Harry and.....Harry.

"boo!" someone said in my ear.

I jumped. "Gaaaaaah" I screamed.

I jumped on Liam's arms like a kid.

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