Dreams Can Come True-Part 52

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Joshuas POV

She blacked out!

"Colleen" I say trying to wake her

"Colleen" I say a little louder

Nothing is working, we have been laying here for 5 minutes waiting for a doctor

I'm scared

All of my babies are hurt!

I pick Colleen up off of the dirty hospital floor and I walk as fast as I can to find a doctor

A nurse comes over to me, realizing I'm panicked, and helps me with Colleen

We get her into a room and the doctors come in and make me leave

Last time Colleen and Heavenly were in the hospital, Rachel and I, well, ya know the story

I will not let that happen again

I make my way out to the waiting room, still gathering my thoughts

I sit down next to Rachel

"Josh" "Rachel"

We say each others names in unison

"You go first" I say to her

"Well, last time Colleen and Heavenly were in the hospital, we, well" She pauses

"Yeah, I was thinking about that too" I say

"Do you promise me that we will never let that happen again. I always feel so guilty about it, and I don't want it to happen again" she says

"I promise Rachel" I say and hold up my pinky

We made a pinky promise like we would if we were 5

A doctor walks in the room and says

"Joshua Evans"

I stand and walk over to him

"Your wife is awake, you may go see her at any time now" He says

I smile

"Thank you" I say and walk to Colleens room

She is awake, but she still looks like she is in pain

I open the door and walk in

"Hey baby" I say and smile

"Hi" She says

"How ya feeling" I ask sympathetically

"My stomach hurts, and I have a headache" She says. Her words short and stuttered, with long pauses in between

I frown and sit in the chair next to her bed

I hold her hand and rub the back of it with my thumb

"How are the babies?" I ask

"Kicking, a lot" She says and gives a small smile

"Has anyone said what was wrong yet?" I kind of look around

"Not yet" she says and yawns

"Go back to bed baby, you look tired" I say

She agrees and falls asleep quickly

I walk back out to the waiting room and sit back down

Wait, where did Jacob go?

I told him to get a doctor and I haven't seen him since

"Hey, Rachel, have you seen Jacob?" I ask her

"Which one?" She asks

"Heavenlys friend" I reply

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