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It felt like a million steps.

Each step felt further and further away.

But Jungkook didn't care. He had to find Jimin.

Jungkook breathed heavily as he finally reached the door to the rooftop. He swung it open and ran out searching the surroundings.

"Jimin hyung!"

Nothing. No one was there.


Jungkook immediately ran to the edge of the railing and checked below for any signs of a body. His body moved frantically making sure not to miss anything. No body. Jungkook barely managed to sigh in relief before falling to the cement. He leaned his back against the bricks.

As silence fell he began to hear a familiar sound. Was he hearing things? No it was real, It was HIS song. The one he wrote for Jimin on his birthday.

Where was it coming from?

Jungkook slowly got up and followed the sound of the soft cries and quiet melody.

Huddled in a corner was Jimin.
Crouched and crying into his sleeve.

Love is not over, over. The words trailed from the phone that laid in Jimin's lap.


Jimin looked up startled. His puffy eyes stared up at Jungkook and His mouth opened to form words but before he could respond Jungkook ran up and wrapped his arms around the slim figure.

Jungkook cupped Jimin's face forcing them to look directly at each other.

"Please never leave me."

Jimin sat speechless. His breathing was unsteady as he tried to suppress the tears.

"I don't deserve to be loved Jungkook. No one one loves me."

"I've just about had it today with you hyung! Are you blind?!?"
Jimin looked up shocked. Jungkook had never yelled at him before.

"How can you say that when I'm right here in front of you? Your a freakin amazing person and you deserve all the love in the world. I can't stand seeing you like this so please PLEASE stop putting yourself down. Love? I love you hyung! Can't you see that? I've always loved you and I always will."

Jimin's innocent eyes were on the verge of tears again. "Hyung I'll have no choice but to kiss you if you don't stop crying."

"...should I start crying then...?"


Jungkook studied Jimin's face looking for any signs of truth. But instead his eyes fell onto Jimin's plump pink lips. A gentle breeze gently brushed the hair from Jimin's face only to reveal the most beautiful human being Jungkook had ever seen.

Before they knew it their lips had met and the rest of the world seemed to disappear.

Thx for reading! Love you!

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