5. Sleeping Like A Dog On The Floor (Your Bed)

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Thank god for the weekend. I couldn't wait to avoid Vic and his friends. I still didn't understand what happened last night.  I tried to get some homework done but I couldn't be bothered. After lunch I got a text from Patrick. He wanted me to come see his band rehearse. I made my way to the rehearsal studios and was gobsmacked. This was a whole building dedicated to music/band rehearsal. Holy lord, this school is awesome. I walked around when I saw a door that had 'Pierce The Veil' written on it with permanent marker. Vic's band. I peered through the outside window and I could faintly see a group of guys in there. Vic was at the front, and I could hear them from out here.

I couldn't help but stare. His voice mesmerised me. I could feel the emotion pouring out his mouth. And god damn he just looked so damn fine. He wore camo shorts and a navy blue sweatshirt. They must have been practicing for quite a while because I could see beads of sweat dripping of Vic's hair. The song finally finished and he turned to face the rest of the guys. His soft brown hair bounced and I could feel myself swooning. They must have done something right becausethey began high fiving each other. These guys were so good, why weren't they famous yet?

WIthout thinking, I opened the door and stood in the tech room of the studio. There was another door that lead to the actual studio, where they were, and a glass window that seperated us. The lights were on in the tech room but I wasn't sure if the window was a  mirror, or a one way window. They started playing again and I could recognise the other guys. Mike was the crazy drummer, Jaime was the bassist, Tony was the lead guitarist, and Vic was the singer plus rhythm. They sounded amazing; everything blended well together. No wonder they win battle of the bands every year. Even Vic's screams were attractive. Goddamnit.

The song finished and they began heading towards the door. Shit. I turned around and tried to leave but the door behind me swung open and Vic called out my name.

"Kellin?" he asked.

Damn it. "Oh hey." I mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me, his eyes glistening in amusement, as the other guys entered the room. 

"i thought this was Patrick's band's room. Sorry." I quickly said.

Vic laughed. "Uh-huh. I saw you two songs ago, when you first came in."

Okay, I'm screwed.

"See you guys later." Vic said to the others. Instead of following them, he stayed in the room with me. He smiled at me and motioned for me to follow him into the studio. 

"You play anything?" he asked.


"I thought so, you didn't look like that type."

I frowned. "I can play piano."

Vic scoffed and laughed. "Wow, that's amazing Kellin. A round of applause for you."

I rolled my eyes and picked up a guitar. 

"Do you want me to teach you how to play?" he asked me.

All my life I've been wanting to play the guitar, but life was always in the way. Here was the perfect opprotunity. An attractive guy wanting to teach me for free. My mouth opened and I replied, "No."

"Okay." he muttered and I could sense a feeling of dissapointment.

I awkwardly put the guitar back down. He watched me in amusement and I wondered why.

"What?" I asked him.

"You have amazing eyes." he told me softly.

I could my face burn and I quickly looked away.

"Like a blend of turquoise, and burnt blue opal, as soulful as peridot infused with a tinge of smoky opal."

I couldn't believe my ears. And I couldn't help the blush spreading across my poor cheeks. He looked away in embarrassment, like he couldn't believe what he just said either.

The door burst open and Tay Jardine walked in. She frowned at us together and muttered something to herself.

"I've been texting you all day, and you've been stuck in your stupid studio ignoring me." she said furiously.

Vic rolled his eyes and she gasped.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me."  she hissed.

"Tay-" Vic began.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in frustration. "-No! Don't you Tay me! I'm sick of you acting like I don't exist and then mindlessly fucking me without a word."

I did not need to hear that.

She stormed out of the studio and I almost gagged; what a dramaqueen. As usual, of course, Vic ran after her, calling out her name, following her like a confused puppy. I understand why he would ignore her all day but I don't get why he always holds on to her.

As I exited the studio I bumped into Patrick. He frowned as he noticed that it was Vic's studio.

"I'm so sorry! I got lost and watched Vic's band for a while!" I said.

He was quiet for a moment and then smiled. "It's okay, bud."

Why is he always so sweet?

He wore his trademark black fedora and we left to get some dinner.


I opened the door quietly and looked around my dorm room. I could see Justin asleep, Vic wasn't here, and as usual Mike wasn't here. He probably sleeps around with different girls every night. It was midnight and I just came back from drinks with Patrick and his band. They were a fun bunch of crazy kids. I was too tired to change clothes so I just crawled into bed. After ten minutes, I nearly dozed off to sleep when I forgot something. I jumped up and gasped at my idiotacy. 

How could I be so stupid? I got out of my bed and tried to search for it in the dark. I found the small jar and rattled it. There was nothing left. How could I not notice? I tried to look for other jars but then I remembered that I didn't have any left. I was fucked. I groaned and slapped my forehead in frustration. Justin must be a sound sleep because I was making a racket.

I put on my shoes and left the room. I couldn't go to sleep. Not without those pills. I was scared. I shook in fear. I got out my phone and called my dad. He didn't pick up. I didn't even know my doctors number. I was such an idiot. I was so occupied by this new school that I didn't even think about my pills. I wandered around the corridors, trying to keep myself awake. It was around 12:30 in the morning. I can't go to sleep. I don't want to sleep.

I could feel the hands of sleepiness scratching into my head. Go away. My eyelids felt so heavy. I stopped in front of the door that lead to the staircase. The same staircase where I got in trouble. I would just rest my legs for a bit. I sat down and the overwhelming sense of exhaustion overtook me. 

Before darkness took over, I muttered out, "Fuck."


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