Another High.

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Never had I imagined that the tables would turn; that my eyes would glisten and my lips would burn. His touch was like no other.. I don't know about you but I wasn't too fond that whole "love" thing. He made it easy.. Part of me wanted nothing to do with the notion and the other part said why not.. It's not like you have anything to lose, it's not like you have much left to bruise or any more feelings to mistreat or misuse, I REFUSE!

Not going down that road again. Not even looking in that direction. But there's something about the things we shouldn't do that make them almost impossible to not attempt. I creeped my way towards the edge. Toes hanging off the border of my common sense. I took a deep breathe. And with a slight lean, there I was. Falling. Falling falling falling.

As crazy as it seems, time moved a lot slower.. The drop seemed forever. The wind from the fall made it hard to see, clouding my better judgement I blamed all our problems on me, I needed peace and you used to be my afternoon tea. Now I drink whiskey, half a bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee. I was in love, the most beautiful feeling to ever manifest itself in my heart.

I felt it all in my bones, my mind and my soul body I kept it real with you; ain't no way in hell you could get me to leave your side nigga I'd steal for you, it ain't a bitch on this earth could mimic the way I feel for you. But I guess you felt other wise. You ain't no different from all them other guys. I done some crazy drugs but boy your love was another high.

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