Chapter 9

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The atmosphere in the lab was suffocating, the weight of what we were about to face looming over all of us. Steve took the lead, his voice steady but charged with urgency. "I'm gonna say this once," he said, the tension in his tone unmistakable. I stood close, my body already thrumming with energy. The air around me felt heavy, thick with unspoken words and unshed emotions.

Tony, of course, couldn't resist a snarky comment. "How about 'nonce'?"

I rolled my eyes, and sighed internally before stepping forward. "Tony, this isn't the time for jokes." My voice was sharp, cutting through the tension like a blade. "We're on the clock, and you know it."

Steve didn't flinch. "Shut it down!" His command echoed through the lab.

Tony finally looked up from his station, his eyes locking with Steve's in a battle of wills. "Nope, not gonna happen." His voice was as casual as ever, but I could sense the strain behind it.

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve pressed, his patience wearing thin.

"And you do?" Bruce interjected, his tone edged with frustration. He turned to us, eyes flashing with the barely controlled anger we all knew too well. "She's not in your head, is she?"

Wanda, standing a few steps away, added quietly, "I know you're angry."

Bruce's eyes snapped to her, his voice low and dangerous. "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

That was enough. I took a step forward, planting myself between Bruce and Wanda. "That's not happening," I said firmly, meeting his gaze. "You need to keep it together, Bruce."

Steve tried to steer the conversation back on track. "Banner, after everything that's happened—"

Tony interrupted, frustration creeping into his voice. "That's nothing compared to what's coming!"

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda said sharply, stepping toward Tony with that same fierce look in her eyes.

"This isn't a game," Steve warned, turning his gaze back to Tony, but Wanda wasn't done.

"The creature—"

Before she could finish, Pietro blurred past, his speed sending a gust of wind through the lab. In an instant, he had smashed through the equipment, his smirk evident as he stood among the wreckage. "No, no. Go on. You were saying?"

Just as suddenly, a shot rang out, the sound of shattering glass filling the room. I barely had time to react before Pietro fell through the floor.

"Pietro!" Wanda screamed, her panic raw as she rushed toward the broken glass.

Tony's hands didn't stop moving over the controls, his voice steady. "I'm rerouting the upload."

"Tony, listen to me!" I called out, stepping toward him. "This isn't just about you or Ultron anymore. If this thing gets out of hand—"

"I know, Alice!" Tony snapped, cutting me off. "But I can fix this."

I whipped around just in time to see Steve hurl his shield at the monitors, smashing them in one powerful blow. Tony's eyes narrowed as he retaliated, blasting Steve with a repulsor beam that sent him flying.

"Tony, stop!" I shouted, stepping forward, but it was too late. They were already locked in combat, and no amount of shouting was going to break them apart.

Before I could argue, Bruce grabbed Wanda, his grip tight and dangerous. "Go ahead," he snarled, "piss me off."

My hands sparked with fire, ready to intervene. "Bruce!" I snapped, fire licking up my arms as I glared at him. "Let her go. Now."

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