Starting fresh?

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Chapter 1. The big move.

Great! Mum just dumped a ginormous bomshell on my ass.

We're moving. To New York.

Great! And i was being sincere. I can finally leave this stupid drippy life behind and start fresh.

Just to let you know now and not leave you wondering who the heck I am, I'll just tell you now,

My names Silver Storm (I know, weird huh!?), Im quite tall- kind of average if you ask me- and my brown

hair reaches just above my butt in soft curls, Im kinda pretty but nobody ever really notices me at

my school- correction, my old school- my eyes are almond shaped and the colour of blue fire.

(Silver--> ix=18&modelid=459177&mainsubid=4671&subid=4671&agid=)

And theres one huge detail i missed out.

I was a total outcast, and obviously dont wear the right clothes to get me noticed.

So ive just packed up my things and my stomach continues to knot with butterflies as I imagine

going to a new school again tomorow.

I hope they dont think Im a geek, well they probably wont if I pull off my new master plan.

Cant wait to see if it works!

So what im thinking is if I wear cute clothes, change my hair and wash it, wear a bit of make-up

and get my confidence up a bit then maybe just hopefully i'll fit in. Hopefully.

"Hon!!!" My mum screeched "Come downstairs now please we have to get going if we dont want to hit

rush hour and.. " I tuned her out and picked up my small bag, yeah I dont really have alot of clothes.

Thats gonna change when I tell mum to let me borrow her credit card (and she will totally let me

because she's still feeling guilty about forcing me to move), a grin seeped onto my face just thinking

about maybe having some friends when I change my style.

So with my bag slung across my shoulder and my guitar in my other hand, I head downstairs.

Did i forget to mention that I am totally in love with music? And that I love to sing and play the piano and guitar.

Sorry, must have slipped my mind. I stoop down the stairs and grin at my mum, she smiles back but

looks concerned, probably worried that I was going insane. I dont usually smile if something traumatic is

going to happen.

Not that moving is traumatic but ya know..

I had just spent the entire car ride chatting with my mum about my new master plan, she seems pleased and

immediatly agreed to letting me use her credit card. Obviously still guilty I thought smugly. 'You should try

and communicate more with your classmates' she had stated. Well wake-up and smell the godamn obvious

I had thought. When we arrived I just sat there staring at the huge mansion like an idiot. It was so godamn

beautiful and totally scetchable.

(The house- )

I immediatly ran into the house- after gawking at it for a good five minutes- to choose my room.

I decided to go see if their was an attic room and walked in expecting spiders and gunk.

And let me tell you, It was the total opposite- and OMG is that a walk-in closet?! In an attic?! Awesome!!

(Silvers Room- )

My mum had already shipped my entire room over here and bought a new bed.

I totally loved it! Now, lets go shopping.




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