Starting Fresh?

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So I realised soon enough it wasnt going to be hard to get noticed. Everybody stared at me as I arrived on my black Harley- hey, just cos' I was outcasted doesnt mean I can't ride a moterbike, jeez.


The ride from home to here wasnt very long, about ten minutes tops. I loved riding my Harley, wether it was to school, the shop or around the block on a sunny days evening. It was my baby, the love of my life and I would never dream of driving a cooped up car.

So anyway, I arrived at the school, skidding to a halt and jumping off the bike. Pulling my helmet off my head, my hair tumbled around me in soft waves. Everybody- and I mean everybody- stopped what they were doing to turn and look at me curiously.

Ew, boys were practicly undressing me with their eyes. Icky!

Such perverts.

Not to mention the fact that everybodys jaws were stuck to the floor. I twiddled my thumbs nervously, woundering if I overdid my look a little and looked like I was dressing up in my Mum's clothes. Or maybe I was just new and everybody was wondering what the heck I was doing in their school.

I decided to go with option two to make myself feel better, so calmly I shifted my gaze from the floor to the school, causing MY jaw to drop to the floor.

Holy Mama would'ya look at this bad boy.

The school was a literal castle, with towers and everything. The only thing missing was a drawbridge door and moat running around the school. As you can imagine, the school immediatly intimidated me, causing me to not only twiddle my thumbs but twist my hands into each other, terrified.

Okay, Silver, deep breaths! I told myself, Don't be such a baby.

So hurrying up to the entrance with whispers hot at my heels, I herded in through the doors to find the reception right infront of me. Oh thank goddess.

"Hello." I murmered quietly to the neatly groomed recieptionist, "Im new here, my name is Silveranne Storm, Silver for short. Could I please have my schedual?" I asked hesitantly.

"One second! Can you not see I am busy missy. Go take a seat over there and I will bring you your schedual!" She hissed at me, I jumped at her harsh tone, too shocked to speak. So i just numbly walked to the red patterned couch.


"Your schedual is ready, Silver. Quickly now, I am a busy women you know." Mrs.Annoying called or rather shrieked from here seat behind the oak-wood desk. I took it from here with a "Thanks" and bolted out the door.

Sheesh, she's scary. At least I know to avoid running into her again. I silently wondered if all the other teachers were moody idiots. I sure as hell hoped not.


I was late for my first lesson, of course. Which by the way was Music.YES! Something to be happy about. I absolutely adored music and always sang whenever I could. The room number was R136, on the second floor in the left wing.

Thankfully I was already in the left wing but on floor three, so I hopped up the stairs two at a time- only to clumsily bash into somebody.

I glanced up and just stayed there for what seemed like forever. He was the hottest guy I had ever walked into in my whole intire life. His cole black hair illuminated sea-green eyes, which were ringed with a lighter green. His skin was flawless and looked like it had never been through the embarresing faze of puberty. His lips were a deep pinky colour, which people would think had a whole lotta lipgloss on. But they didnt, he was all natural.

Holy crap and I had just bashed into him.

"Sorry! Im so sorry, I didnt realise you were there." I said, blushing a deep shade of crimson. Mentally kicking myself for being such a klutz and walking into him in the first place. Then I remember I was supposed to be different now, not the shy little girl from the past. I was about to say something cocky but he startled me by saying.

"Bitch! You ripped my shirt. Watch where your effing going next time!" He hissed.

I stared at him wide-eyed for a long moment, before anger boiled in me and I retorted.

"Oh Im sorry, did I hurt you? I would say sorry but to be honest I wouldn't mean a word of it." I stated sweetly, bringing my knee up slowly.

I slammed it into his middle. He doubled over in pain and I skipped to class feeling happy with myself. I skidded to a halt outside room R136 and rapped my knuckles lightly on the door before opening it and peeking in at the loud students laughing and chattering and arguing.

That was before I entered anyway, because when I did the entire classroom fell silent.

Ugh, not again!

I walked up to the teacher feeling eyes on my back the whole time and introduced myself. He told me to tell the class a little about myself, and so I did.

"Hi, my name's Silveranne Storm, Silver for short and I just moved here. I love to sing, play my guitar and ride my harley." I said.

"You love to sing huh? Well this is music, so why dont you show us watcha got? Then I know where you stand, y'know." The teacher suggested.

"Er.. umm.. do I .. um.. have.. to?" I asked, stuttering. He just nodded, so I asked him if he had a guitar and he nodded again, passing me one. I turned back to the class, which was waiting for me to start.

I took a deep breath, tested the strings and started singing and playing 'Did you forget' By Demi Lovato- one of my favourite singers ever.

Did You forget

That I was even alive

Did you forget

Everything we ever had

Did you forget,

Did you forget

Bout' me?

Did you regret

Ever standing by my side

Did you forget

What we were feeling inside

Now Im left,

to forget,

bout' us.

But somewhere we went wrong.

We were once so strong

our love is like a song

you cant forget it

I broke off at that and handed the guitar back. The teacher took it from me, staring open mouthed looking like an idiot.

"Where do I stand then?" I quistioned him.

"Um, talented and experienced." He stuttered, still gaping.

"Kay'. Where should I sit?" I asked, ignoring the stares and whispers coming from my future classmates.

"You can sit by Ms.Lomans." He muttered, waving me towards a pretty looking petite girl in the middle of the classroom.

I silently made my way to her, STILL feeling stares from everybody.

"Hey, Im Jasmine Lomans." The petite looking girl introduced herself, smiling at me warmly.

I smiled back and murmered "Hey Jasmine, well you already know my name- Silver. Nice to meet you."

At least not I had a friend. I wouldnt be a complete loner.


I know its kinda boring, but Im gonna try and put in a twist. Anybody got any good idea's??


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