My Harry Styles

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Okay this is the first fanfic i've written so it's probably really bad but please read and comment, fan and vote ;P <3 i'll love you forever.

I woke up and glanced around my room for a few minutes, confused about where i was. I had expected to wake up in my (slightly cramped) room, in our flat in London. However, the room i was in was considerably bigger and had cardboard boxes packed high. Suddenly it all came flooding back - my dad and Linda's wedding, packing up our flat, travelling for hours to get to this little town were nothing ever happens, i lay back down groaning.

You're probably wondering who I am, why my dad got married and why we moved. You see I'm Amelia (but everyone calls me Mia) and my mum died when I was thirteen, she had breast cancer. Ever since then it was just my dad and me, I was an only child although both my parents had wanted more kids, it just never happened. Unlike most sixteen year olds i love my dad and we hardly ever argued, well until Linda came along. I had thought that my dad and I were fine; i mean he had loads of friends so he couldn't have been lonely and we were happy. I did well in school and was pretty popular. Well apart from...never mind. I thought that I was enough and we were happy. I guess not. My dad met Linda through work; he's a writer and is actually quite famous, while she's an illustrator. She was sent to work on my dad's latest book and I guess they fell in love. I'm still not sure about Linda; she's young, blond and bubbly. She's always been nice to me, although I haven't always returned the favour. I just wish I was enough for my dad - it;s like he's just wiping mum out of our lives. He doesn't talk about her anymore and he started taking down pictures of the three of us, he just doesn't realise how much I miss her. 

Anyway, after going out for about a year they got married and I was bridesmaid, to be honest I'm quite a girly-girl at heart so I had a pretty good time. My dress was blue and came to just above my knees and had my hair  down and wavy.  LInda had a white dress which came to just above her knee's and it had a blue sash around the waist and we both carried a bouquet of orchids. It was pretty informal with just a few family and friends there. I guess I got caught up in the atmosphere because Linda a hug and told her I was happy she would be my step-mum. Well that feeling's changed! 

After the wedding we decided to move because our flat was not big enough for three and besides dad's last book was a big hit and we were now pretty wealthy! So we moved to Holmes Chapel and I'm going to start my new school on Monday! I'm pretty scared because I don't know anyone and I just know I'm going to be the odd one out. 

By this time it was ten o clock and i decided that I should actually get up now. I rummaged around the boxes until I found underwear, my favourite skinny jeans, a red tee-shirt and my purple Jack Wills hoodie. I set them out and ran to have a relaxing shower before getting changed and slipping on my converse. I could smell breakfast so I ran down the stairs and sat at the table. Linda was frying bacon, eggs, sausages and tomatoes while dad sat reading the paper. They already looked like a family. "So Mia, any plans for today?" Linda asked me chirpily, smiling at me. I just grunted at her not in the mood to even be civil. "Amelia..." my dad warned - he only calls me Amelia when he's annoyed or angry. "I don't really know...maybe just have a look around the town or something" I replied quickly, worried in case they tried to bring me on some "family bonding" day out. To be honest all I wanted to do was skype my friends back home and moan about how I missed them but my answer seemed to satisfy them.

So after breakfast I quickly helped clear up and set off the mooch around the town for a couple of hours. Dad, obviously feeling guilty, gave me almost a hundred quid to spend! I browsed around  couple of shops for a while, buying some clothes and stuff. I was just starting to get tired when the heavens opened and it began to pour. There was a coffee shop just down the road so i ran and ducked into it. It seemed that I was'nt the only one with that idea as the shop was packed full. I managed to snag the last free sofa and after ordering a tea and muffin, I just started to relax, relishing some alone time.

The rain had become torrential and thought smugly about how lucky I was to be sitting inside while the wind howled and the rain battered the windows. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, "I'm sorry but could I sit here, there are no seats free?" I turned around and was rendered temporarily speechless by the vision behind me. It was a boy with wild curly hair and dancing green eyes, smiling at me with a heart-melting crooked grin. His dimples made my brain turn to mush and just sat there staring at him, with my mouth wide open. He was wearing jeans and a Jack Wills hoodie - same as me! Seconds passed and he began to look unsure, "No, it's fine - I'll find somewhere else," that look of bewilderment just made me fall in love even more...wait what? in love - I'm losing it. "No!" I shouted, perhaps a wee bit too forcefully as he looked quite scared, "I mean, no, it's okay, come sit here" I tried to breathe deeply and sort out my thoughts so I could converse like a sane person. The boy ordered a coffee and a brownie and sat down beside me. "I'm Harry, by the way, Harry Styles" Wow, even his name is gorgeous, hang on focus Mia, I thought as I struggled to turn my brain on and have a coherent conversation with Harry. "I'm Mia, Mia Burns - I just moved here yesterday"                                                                                    "Yes I wondered why I hadn't seen you before - a face as pretty as yours is hard to miss." A deep blush started to creep up m face and Harry smirked, I bet he knew the effect he had on me, probably the effect he had on most girls.

We sat talking for hours, starting out with just simple things about ourselves but I found that I was confiding in Harry - telling him all about mum and dad, telling him how I really felt about Linda, about moving here. It was weird - I'd only known Harry a few hours but we acted like we'd been bestfriends for years. He told me about his step dad Robin, about how at first he hadn't been sure about  him but know he really liked him. We argued, told jokes, there was a bit of flirting as well! My dad phoned me and told me to come home so I had to say goodbye to Harry. We exchanged numbers and hugged, him promising me to introduce me to some of his friends before school on Monday.  Just as I walked out of the coffee shop I saw a girl glaring at me - she walked forward and deliberately banged into me. Normally I would stand up for myself but it was my first day here. I didn't need enemies yet!

Thanks for reading. Sorry this one's so bad but I had to introduce everyone and stuff - it will get better! Please read, fan, comment and vote ;P <3 

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