Chapter One

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This will be in Sam's POV unless I say so. Enjoy the chapter!

The trees go past in a blur. Blood drips down my pale face as I continue to drive down the deserted road.

The dirt flies up around the car, we have around 20 minutes left until we get there.

Might as well tell you the whole story, but let's start from the beginning shall we?


"God converse are so hard to put on!" I complain loudly while squeezing my tiny foot into my converse.

"Oh boo hoo princess. Stop your complaining." Ellen cackles wickedly as I fall off the seat in a failed attempt to put my shoe on. I give her my best glare which probably just makes me look like a flower trying to be angry. But I finally succeed in putting on my converse and tying it up. I get up off the crusty floor of the old bowling alley and do a victory dance.

"Sammy stop it you look like a hooker on drugs." Hayden laughs as I push her into Jessie.

"Ouch you bitch nugget!" Jessie says flicking her short brown hair out of her eyes. I just poke my tongue out in return.

We make our way to the entrance of the building so we can get to my car. I walk out of the warm building the cool evening air nips at my nose and cheeks.

"HURRY UP SAMMY YOU HAVE THE CAR KEYS!" Jessie yells from my car I chuckle my breath coming out in a cloud of smoke.

"IM COMING!" I shout loudly back jumping over the railings of the stairs and landing on the road tar with a thud. I walk over to my friends who are shivering while waiting for me to get to the car.

I unlock my black Camaro and jump in the drivers seat as Haden sits in shot gun, Ellen sits behind me and Jessie is behind Hayden.

"Hayden will you please choose the music, and don't make it Taylor Swift." I ask Hayden politely as I turn out of the bowling alley.

I hear Hayden Bluetooth her phone to my car and then the sound of Selena Gomez's Hands To Myself floods my ears through the booming speakers, like the loud voice of the teacher when I'm being told off.

I drive down the dark and close to empty street that is illuminated by the car head lights and the street lights. The creepy aura sending a shiver up my spine even tho the heaters are on full blast. I drive through different streets to get to Jessie's house, I pull up the front of the brightly lit mansion like house. The light brown bricks complimenting the vintage feel of the house.

"Bye Jess!" We shout out to the retreating brunette figure. She waves and smiles while walking to her front door unlocking it and going in.

I speed off down her street to Ellen's place. A large wooden house stands there surrounded by a mystical green garden. I once got lost in there because I wasn't paying attention. Yeah I have slight ADD so it's hard to concentrate. We all say our byes and off I go again. My black Camaro speeding down the street and about three blocks down to Hayden's large white brick house, beautiful bright lights light up her round a bout.

"See ya Hayden." I wave goodbye as she gets out of the car and she waves back.

I watch her jog to her front door and push it open as if it was unlocked. She turns around slowly and faces me her hair whipping in the wind. She puts her arms up in a shrug. I quickly take my keys out of the car and open the door, I jog up to her and grab her hand.

"Let's go in together." I open the door more and Hayden follows me in. We slowly walk in using the shadows and walls to hide just in case anyone is there.

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