The Dare

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"Are you sure about this?" Her mom asked for the nth time.

She nodded, smiling.

Her mom helped her put on her bagpack. "Isn't it a little heavy?"

"It's not heavy." She lied. It really is a bit heavy. But she wants to look strong in front of her mom. "I'm going now."

"I'll take you there."

"Mom, I'll be fine. Don't worry." She smiled again.

Her mom worriedly smiled back and nodded her head. "Fine. But you have to call me as soon as you get in there, okay?"

"Okay!" She did an "OK" sign.


Dahyun nervously walked her way to the bus stop. Part of her wants to stop this, but another part of her wants to continue or else she will forever regret it.

Stepping her fear aside, she waits patiently for the bus to arrive.

7:30 am. Perfect timing.

She showed her fake smile again as she felt the presence of someone standing beside her.

This is it.

"Long time no see, Hansol."

The person which she called "Hansol" turns to her direction, scanning her face.

When was the last time she felt this amazing feeling? Oh right. Before that happened.

She can't help it. Tears slowly formed in her eyes.

She really missed him so much.

Holding back her tears, she hopes that he will at least give her a different reply.

"Who are you?"

But reality hurts and life is so unfair.

"I'm Kim Dahyun." She tries to speak normally, like she's okay. But deep inside she's not.

"Sorry, I don't know you."

You do. You just forgot.

The bus arrived.

Dahyun frozed on her spot. She can't move an inch. The bitter reality hits her hard.


Hansol is already inside the bus. He's looking for a seat but he saw the girl earlier still not getting inside.

"What is she doing? She's gonna be late." Wait... why do I care? He shook his head and went back in finding a seat.

But his feeling does not cooperate with his body. "Aish!" He walked back to the door.

But the driver closed it before he could get out.

"Wait! She's still out!"

"We've been waiting for her to get in but it takes her a long time."

"No! Wait!"

He banged the bus door, trying to get her attention.


Dahyun looked up and saw Hansol's face.

He's saying something. But she can't hear it.

She took a step forward and placed her hand on the bus door.
Hansol placed his hand on it too, right where she placed hers.

For the first time, after 3 years, she smiled for real.


And her tears finally flow.


Hansol was taken aback.

He was shocked and confused.

Why is she crying?

He calls for her name again. Kim Dahyun, right? That's what she said to me awhile ago.

"Kim Dahyun! Get inside or you're gonna be late!"

But the bus starts moving.

He glared at the driver. "Are you insane? She's getting in!"

"You two are not the only passengers, kid."

Hansol looked at her again.

She's still there. Standing. Crying.

Who is that girl?


Dahyun watched as the bus slowly fades away from her sight.

I let the chance of being with him slipped away again.

She walked away, not knowing where she is going.

She felt the tiny drops of rain from beneath her school uniform. And when she looked up, a gray sky welcomed her.

She smiled bitterly. "You pity me too, huh?" She closed her eyes and let the rain pours down on her, mixing with her tears.

"Ahh.. It feels cold... just like reality."

She spread her arms as she let her body be soaked in the rain.

"Are you crazy?!"

She stopped and turned around.

And there she saw him.


Hansol took big steps and stopped in front of her.

He saw how she shivers from the cold rain.

"Look at you! You're soaked! How will you show up in the school if you're like this."

"I won't --"

"You're gonna cut class? No! I won't let you do that. That will ruin your school records!"

"Why --"

"Why am I doing this? Well, I don't even know! I just... I just saw you not getting inside the bus awhile ago and then when I try to call out for you, you began to cry. Of course, who wouldn't be worried when you saw a person crying?"

"You're worried about me?" Dahyun's face lightened up.

"Yeah! Because I'm a good person. And we're... schoolmates."


"You know what, let's go. We only have," he looked at his watch, "5 minutes! What the hell?!" He grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her.

Dahyun can't help but smile while looking at his hand grasping her wrist.

"Why are you even standing in the rain? Geez."

He's still the same nagging Hansol.

She watched his back, followed his big steps, noticed how his hair grow a bit longer.

His hair. She wants to touch it. She wants to feel his soft hair.

Dahyun slowly lifted up her other hand and reached for his hair.

When Hansol felt it, he stopped and immediately turned to face her, still holding her wrist. "W-What are you doing?"

She smiled. "It's still soft."


What she did next surprised them both.

She tiptoed and cupped his face, planting a kiss on his soft lips.

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