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"It's been three days since Dahyun got hospitalized. And you didn't even pay her a visit," Mingyu nagged at Wonwoo over and over again, but the latter didn't even pay attention to him. He's deep in his thoughts as he stared out of nowhere. "I don't know what really happened between you, Dahyun and Hansol before. But as a friend, I advised you to face your problem, face Dahyun." And with those last words, Mingyu left Wonwoo, hoping that he will at least follow his advice.

As the door shut, Wonwoo released a long sigh. He lied down on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, contemplating of a lot of things. He's fighting the urge to visit Dahyun in the hospital. Everytime he thinks about what happened three years ago, fear and guilt crept up to him.

How can he be so naive? How can be so selfish? How can he be so careless with his actions?

If only a simple "sorry" is enough to correct that one mistake that ruined Dahyun's life, then he's willing to say it over and over again until everything's back to how it's supposed to be. But no matter how you turn things out, a mistake was already done and things will never be the same again.


A knock on the door wake Dahyun up on her thoughts. She didn't move an inch from her spot, still facing the window while sitting on the hospital bed.

"Hansol, why is it that the sky looks gloomy today? Will it rain?" She asked, not looking at back. "I hope it won't rain. Wonwoo won't come out from his house if it starts raining. He hates rain so much. He won't be able to visit me again if that happens," she pouted a bit and playfully swings her legs.

"I am here now."

A very familiar, deep voice, made Dahyun stopped and immediately turn around.

Her eyes brightened up when she saw the man she's been yearning to see ever since she got hospitalized. "Wonwoo!" She attempted to stand up but Wonwoo rushed to her and stopped her.

"You don't need to stand," Wonwoo slowly sat beside her. He holds her cold hands and he became really worried when he saw her very paled skin. "I'm sorry if it took me so long to visit you. It's just that --- " He was cut off when Dahyun gently put a finger on his lips.

"There you go again. Always apologizing," Dahyun rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not mad at you for not visiting me. I'm actually worried about you." Her brows creased as she observed his face. "You look really stressed and thin. Have you been eating well?" She moved her face closer to hers as she examined closely his face. "Look at those dark circles on your eyes," her voice sounds really worried, as she caressed his face. "Wonwoo, is there something bothering you?" she asked, full of concern.

Wonwoo held her hands, gently squeezing it, and let out a forced smile. "I'm fine. If there's anyone who is not okay, it's you." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "You look even pale now. Did you already took a therapy?"

Dahyun looked down, slowly moving away from Wonwoo. "It's too late for me to take a therapy," she replied, forcing a smile. "It's okay, though. I don't think a therapy might help me. We all know what my condition is. I won't make it --- " She didn't finished her words as Wonwoo pulled her into a hug.

"Don't say that!" Wonwoo can't help it. He doesn't want to hear those words, especially if it comes from her. "Don't say that you can't make it, because you will! You will make it, Dahyun. You have to." Tears started to form on his eyes. "You can't just simply leave us alone." He started to sob on her arms. "Don't leave me."

Dahyun slowly put her arms around him, patting his back slowly, "You are such a nice friend, Wonwoo. I am so lucky that I met you. I will never forget all the memories we shared right from the moment I met you at the hospital hallways until now and the following days that will come."

When Dahyun mentioned about what happened three years ago, Wonwoo can't help but cry even more because of too much guilt. No matter how much he tries to erase those memories, people around him, particularly Dahyun, will always remind that to him.

When he finally calmed, he slowly pushed himself away from Dahyun, still holding her hands.

"Now, tell me what's bothering you. You're obviously not fine," Dahyun said, looking really worried.

"If I tell you, are you gonna hate me?" Wonwoo hesitatingly asked.

Dahyun looked confused with his question. "Why would I hate you?"

"Because I'm not the person you thought you knew," Wonwoo said, staring straight into her eyes.

"Wonwoo, I don't understand," Dahyun said, feeling scared.

He never thought that this day will come that he will be the one to reveal the most painful thing that ruined Dahyun's happy life. Back then, he swore that he will be the one to catch the culprit who killed her father, who caused her so much pain. Who would've thought that all this time, that culprit is no other than him?

"Dahyun... that night when your father died... the car... I was the one who --- "

"Wonwoo stop!"

Both Dahyun and Wonwoo turned their heads when Vernon rushed inside the room. He approached Wonwoo and forced him to stand. "You need to listen to me. That night, it's not what you think it is. Something more happened --- "

"Why can't you just let me say what I want to say?!" Wonwoo cut Vernon off. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt which startled Dahyun. "I'm trying to explain here, can't you see? Even though it's hard, I'm doing my best to say the truth!"

"Wonwoo, please calm down," Dahyun weakly said, reaching for him.

"Wonwoo, listen to me. It's not what you think it is. Something more happened that night," Vernon tried to explain to him, but Wonwoo won't listen.

"I was the one who killed Dahyun's father."

The three of them froze on their spot when a woman entered the room. "I set everything up. Jeon Wonwoo was used to make it possible," tears formed on her eyes as she looked at Wonwoo, who looked even more confused. "I only meant to scare Dahyun away, to make her stay away from my son, that's why I did that," her eyes are now set to Dahyun who looks shocked with what she heard. Mrs. Chwe approached Dahyun and slowly kneeled in front of him, "I didn't mean for you father to die. I didn't mean for it to come that far," with shaky hands she grabbed Dahyun's hands, "I didn't know that it will be severe, to the point that my son will also get hurt," she cried hard. "And I didn't know about your condition during that time... I didn't know that you're sick... I'm really sorry, Dahyun. I know what I did is unforgivable, but I'm really sorry!"

Dahyun stare out of nowhere, tears continuously fall from her eyes, doesn't know what to say.

What's more to say? The truth had already been revealed. And it hurts. It hurts to know everything. The damage had been done. Her father is dead. Wonwoo will continuously feel guilty. Three years has wasted for her relationship with Vernon. And what's worse is, she got even more sick.

So many things happened, but she's only given a little time to handle everything.

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