Chapter Two - Leaving Home

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As we drove to Gatwick all I could think about was my dream, my nightmare. It felt so real but I know it wasn't. If I thought the airplane was going to crash, I would've convinced my mum that it was a bad idea for us to go. But I know it isn't, I'm just being paranoid.

Everything's going to be fine. It's been almost a year since Alex, Laura and I have seen our father and I know they miss him. Maybe that dream is my subconscious telling me that I don't want to see my dad.

Laura is asleep in the back seat, although I don't blame her, it's a four hour drive to the air port.

Alex is playing on her phone, I swear I've never seen a more antisocial twelve year old. She's always on her phone, I'm surprised that she ever has time to do anything else.

My mother's sad, sunken eyes show just how hard she works for her daughters, and how much she's going to miss us for the next two weeks.

We stop for gas, while my mother fills up the tank, I go inside to pay for it. I also buy two coffees for my mother and I and a pack of gummy bears each for my sisters.

When I get back to the car, Laura is awake. The seven year old's eyes light up when she sees the sweets I hold in my hand. I put the two coffees in the cup holders and I pass the gummy bears over to my sisters. I open Laura's for her and take one for myself before I hand them over. I put the radio on and we don't talk for the rest of the car ride.

We arrive at the airport and say goodbye to our mother before the check our bags and go through security. I don't know why I feel so sad to leave her, I'm only going to be gone for two weeks. Maybe it's because a part of me still believes that my night mare will become a reality.

We board the plane and I'm scared. I feel like somethings going to happen, something bad.

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