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Hey guys this is zachattak123 here with some what of bad news. Ok so let's start with the well bad news my computer is being stupid and I'm not able to get on Minecraft or really anything. Also YouTube is being a butthole and not letting me upload videos I've tried 2 both I can't upload and on top of that one of them I hade to make ten minutes short because my phones recorder stopped recording my iPad and it was a late game match in btd battles. The other video I had was blitz brigade and it just won't upload so yeah. I'm hopeing to get my computer working by summer so I can play again and find a screen recorder that will work and record my gameplay. As far as mobile games I absolutely need a screen recorder cause it is hard setting my phone up. so that's all I have for this quick little story thingy and I hope you have a super duper amazing day!

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