A bit of competition with a splash of Rainbow

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Yawwwwn, that pie made me sleep like a filly last night. I haven't slept like that for quite some time. If I get to sleep like that again, I'm in no rush to get home. But with that on my mind I take a look out my bedroom's window. The sun is shining and other ponys are starting to wake up, too. Its too nice of a day to sleep in. So I thought strech my wings and hop out of the comfy, warm bed. Now that I think of it, mabey sleeping in isn't such a bad Idea... no! It's time to smell the coffee... that is if there is any coffee in this world. How about its time to smell the cider? Ya that'll work, now lets get ready for the day!
I trot down the stairs quickly, eager to start the day and meet the pony that Applejack portrayed as the fastest pegasus in equestria. Mabey she could teach me how to fly like I did when I was at the Apple's without the adrenaline rush. I sure hope she does. Anyways just let me grab an apple and I'll be off. Using my wing I grab an apple and head outside. At least I can do something with my wings that doesn't require a lesson. I look around to see other ponys starting to water their gardens after leaving there homes and walking to the farmers market thats down the street where they can buy a variety of fruits and vegetables.
I guess if I'm going to look for Rainbow I'll try getting to one of the clouds. I see a small cloud above my head. Well here we go! I start to flap my wings and lift off the ground. Up and up and up until I fly through the cloud. While flying through it, I feel the cloud's soft, warm, flufy material. I thought clouds were just condensed water vapor, not a white piece of cotten candy. Mabey if I gently set my hooves on it, I could stand on the cloud. I slowly lower myself onto the fluffy cloud.... It worked! I didn't know that cloudes worked like this in this world. Ohhhh... that's why the clouds were on the list of best places. They must be at the top of the fluff scale compared to other clouds if there on that list. That or they needed to fill some empty room on the brochure. But from my perspective, this cloud is the softest thing I've ever touched, and I've held a baby kitten.
Anyways, I look ahead of me and see a path of clouds. Seeing how fluffy these clouds are and that they can support my weight, I say I should have some fun. And with that I take a leap and start hoping from cloud to cloud. It's surprisingly funner than I thought it be. Hop, hop, and hop I go. These clouds are really to jump on. In fact, there so easy to jump on that I feel like I'm in a platform game. It's so entertaining for...? My hooves are suddenly wet. Look down and realize that I had landed on a black cloud.
"Hey! You, whats the big idea?" I attention is caught by a voice. I look around and find a mare standing on the cloud to my right, and she's soaked. My hooves are wet. I may be responsible for that. "Helloooo. Earth to pegasus." "Sorry, I didn't see you there." The color of her fur is a nice cyan color while her wet mane has the colors of the rainbow. Her eyes are a pinkish purple color and her mark is a cloud with rainbow lighting coming out. Puting two together, I'm going to make the inference that the mare I'm talking to is Rainbow Dash. "If you don't mind me asking, are you the pony they call Rainbow Dash?"
"The one and only. Have you heard of... hey! Stop trying to change the subject!" Great. Just great. I've just made her even more mad without even trying to.
"What exactly or you mad about again?"
"Really? For one you drenched me in water with that storm cloud and second you interrupted my nap!" Ohhh, so thats what happened. Rainbow was sleeping peacefully on a cloud until I came along and jumped on the storm cloud, which acted like a big puddle. And when you full on jump into a puddle, well, Rainbow is a prime example of what happens to those who are too close the puddle on impact.
"Sorry, guess I got carried away. But anyways, my friend, Applejack, told me about you and that I may be able to beat in a race." How am I going to do that, I don't even know how fly two feet in front of me without eating dirt.
"Really? You! Bwahahaha!" RD starts to break down laughing in front of me. She mocking me already, perfect. There's another thing to check off my bucket list: 1. Enter a magical world full of ponys, check; 2. Become a pony, check; 3. Make a horse banded by skittles laff, check. Yay.
It takes the mare about a minute to recover before shes able to speak again. "Ok, I'm done. That made my day. Applejacks always had her head in the ground a bit, but this is something else." Rainbow pauses and shakes off her wet mane seeming to revive it to it's dry state.
"Hey, Applejacks a pony that doesn't lie alot. So if she says I can, I've must of done somthing for her to make a statement like that."
"You do have a point. She doesn't lie alot and it's not exactly her favor thing to do. Mabey you do have shot." Rainbow starts to fly over to me and lands on the storm cloud next to me. "But then again, how could you compete with this?" She lowers herself into position like a spring. A spring that was compresed. And just like that, the spring was released. Rainbow shoots up into the air doing a series of flips and twist in the air. Every now and then she speed twords a cloud causing it to pop. Could I pop clouds? I kick a cloud that's fairly close to mine and sure enough, it poofed out of existence. I quickly look back at Dash to see her diving straight down twords me. Oh no. *splash!* "I mean, I'm awesome!"
"Yeah, and I'm even more soaked then you were. I did have it coming, I guess." I'm completely drenched in water from Rainbow's landing.
"Oops, looks like I over did the the landing a bit. I was trying to get you wet, but you got blasted with water."
"Thanks for crushing my self esteem even more." I shake of my mane to expell to water from my mane. But first making sure that Rainbow was within range. I shake for a good thirty seconds before I stop. I slowly look over at RD, grining like an idiot.
"Hey! why did you do that?"
"You did say you over did the splash, so I thought I pay back the favor."
"Could of at least warned me...." Rainbow puffs out her cheaks and looks down.
"You look extremely adorible." Did I say that outloud?! Whats wrong with me?
"What did you just say?" Dash stairs at me with a mixed look of confusion, curiosity, and light shade of pink showing on her cheeks.
"What? Me? Didn't say a thing. What would make you think that?" Smooth, bucking smooth.
"Yeah...." Her look starts to turn it's curiously confused look into... a playfully enlightened look? I do not understand the way females work in both this world and mine.
"Hey! How about that race. You still haven't proven Aj wrong about me being faster than you." There I go blabbering words of a past topic to pull me out of a hole I've created with the curent one. In this case, a really deep hole.
"Ok! We'll race to the farmers market, through the stands, and around the block. Then fly up into the air, clear ten clouds, and race back to this storm cloud. Did you get that all?"
"Um, I think so?" Let's see, I'm fluttered, I almost didn't catch that, and, oh yeah, I can't fly. You can add nervous to that list. This isn't good. But then again....
"Great! Here we go. Ready, set, go!"
Wait is what my mind want's to say, but my competitive instincts are in the driver's seat. The adrenaline, the excitement, the sudden jolt! I may be human, but this body was built for racing, and it came with the abilities to do so. I quickly spring off my hooves at maximum speed catching Rainbow off guard and leaving her in the dust.
Forget looking back for her, I know the fastest flyer in equestria(and yes the tour guide told me I'm in a land called equestria) will be able to catch up if I lose focus. I make it to the market and turn the corner. I catch a glimpse of a rainbow mane in the corner of my eye during the turn. Keep your head down. Stay ahead! In one stand out the other. In, out, repeat. Done. Fly up, pop ten clouds: lets go. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. To the storm. Dive, dive, dive! I smash the cloud, exept I have the cloud spew water downwards insted of outwards like puddle.
"Done! Cleared! Complete!" I look back up at the the clouds scanning the skys for Rainbow. She's nowhere to be found. Wait, if she not there then... oh no.
I fly up looking for RD and the rainbow main catches my eye immediately. She's on the ground in the market being barked at by a unicorn stand owner. I look to the left of her and see the stand knocked down.
"Look what you did! All my fruits, their ruined!"
"Hey, it was an accident! I'm sorry okay? " Rainbow is protecting her flank from the in raged stallion.
"No, it is not okay! From where I come from, we pay for our 'accidents' in bits. And if that can't be arranged, then we use other means to teach the offender a lesson." Other means? Thats where I draw the line.
"Hey back off! It was an accident. I don't know where you come from, but your in our town so you follow our rules. Not yours. Here take this," I throw a brown bag at the colt. "It has a hundred bits and should be able to cover whatever damage that was done to your little business. Now leave the mare be." Good thing I always carry emergency money around. I turn to look at Rainbow. She's completely quiet making sure not to interrupt. Staring.
"Uhg, alright. But next time this happens I won't be so merciful."
"And then you'll be dealing with me. But I'm sure it won't  happen again." The pony gives gives me the stink eye then trots away, leaving all his merchandise lying in a mess on the grass. Jerk.
"You alright?" I turn to look to Dash. It takes her a couple seconds to respond.
"Ya...hey, I can of handle myself. You didn't need to-"
"No, I'd never leave a friend in bad situation like that. It's not how I work. Plus, I know you can handle yourself, but that was a unicorn and they have magic. Who knows that could of happend if I didn't step in. I'm just glade my friend is safe. So please don't try to fight me on this subject." It takes Rainbow about a minute before she speaks as if she was processing everything I said.
"Thanks." Dash says with smile in her face.
"No problem. You would of done the same thing for me. Now with that out of the way, shall we continue our little competition?" I keep in mind that we need to have a fair race.
"But you already won." She looks at me confused.
"Na, thats just because you ran into that stand. I mean, look at it. Its so small there's no way anyone could fly through it. You would have smoaked me!" It was a pretty small stand. No wonder why she didn't finish the course.
"Oh stop it. I'm fast, but your FAST! Even if I had made it through, you still would of won. You've gotta teach me how to fly like that."
"Well, if you insist that I be the fastest flyer in equestria, I have no choise but to except."
"Yep, but you better watch out, because I'm the mare who's going to beat you. I just have to practice my flying a bit more and then you'll be eating my dust." Rainbow starts to hover. She's pumped.
"We'll see. Better start practicing." I start to feel joy in seeing her like this. She gives off an atmosphere of excitement and ponys around her can feel it. That includes me.
"Your right! See ya, I'm gonna start training. Thanks... wait, what's your name?" Dash asks me.
"Thanks Featherstone!"
And with that the mare flys off. Well I guess I'll go to the park. There's nothing else to do. I start to fly full speed twords the park. Well at least I met another friend and learned more about how to get home. Wait. Dang it! I forgot to ask for help again. You know I really should keep in-*WHAM*
"Ow, my head." I should of been paying attention to where I was flying. I look up to see what I crashed into. Before me is a yellow pegasus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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