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30th December, 11PM,

Listening to the peaceful sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, I thought about the exciting new school term that awaits me the next morning. I wasn't able to fall asleep. I guess I am really looking forward to attend Thors Military Academy.

"I should probably sleep..." I thought to myself, and I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the upcoming day.

1st January, 7AM.

"Oh no! Oh no! I'm going to be late!" I panicked as I put on my uniform. I can't believe that I forgot to turn on the alarm clock, I'm such a klutz! I tied my hair with a ribbon, grabbed my luggage and ran down the stairs.

"Towa! You're going to miss the train if you don't hurry!" My mother shouted at me as I headed towards the dining table. I grabbed a slice of toast and headed to the shoe rack to put on my shoe with the slice of toast in my mouth.

"I'm going off mom!" I smiled and wave at my mother. As I was about to leave the house, my mother gave me a hug.

"Please do take care of yourself, and remember to write back home."

"Mom..." I smiled and returned the hug. " I will, take care of yourself too mom."

I released myself from the hug and waved goodbye to my mother. I left for the station.

Heimdallr station.

(The train bound for Trista is arriving at platform A. Passengers who are bound for Trista, please proceed to board the train.)

"Haahhhhhh!" I ran towards the train and barely made it before the train left. I panted heavily from all the running. The train conductor looked at me with a confused expression. I smiled at him and gave him my train ticket.

"Good morning! This is my ticket."

The train conductor took my ticket. "Oh? It looks like you're a student at Thors Military Academy."

"That's right!"

"You're lucky you didn't miss the train." He laughed. "Please do take a seat and enjoy the ride."

"Thank you very much." I smiled and made my way towards an empty seat.

I placed my luggage next to me and sat down. I looked right outside at the beautiful scenery.

"I can't wait for the new school term to start!" I thought to myself.

After about 40 Minutes, the train arrived at Trista station. I grabbed my luggage and went down the train. I was greeted by a beautiful spring scenery filled with many sakura trees, chirping of the birds, and the cheerful atmosphere of the town. I looked around in awe.

"Wow! Trista is so beautiful!" I said.


Back at the station, a male with floral white hair alighted the train at Trista. He carried his luggage and walked out of the station. Greeted by the beautiful scenery, he also stops and looked around.

"So this is Trista..."

He looked around and noticed a girl in the exact same uniform as him, standing there, and looking around excitedly at the amazing view of Trista. That girl was jumping up and down. She looked like a tourist to him. He raised his eyebrow and smiled.

"Ah! I'm going to be late for the orientation!" The girl shouted and started running towards Thor Military Academy. The male apparently noticed the time on his watch.

"I better head to school as well before I miss the ceremony ."

At the school orientation ceremony...

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