Graduation Speech

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    "The future lies before you, like a field of fallen snow; Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show." That is a saying about how you can do something but it will show and it will stay in your tracks. The future is that you haven't walked in. You will make your future but you can't take it back.

      I'm glad to leave but there is so much i'm going to miss in this school. There is so much i regret when I was in 6th grade I had talked in a test and when i was eating in class and i got in trouble so much for nothing I wish I could do it over but i can't. I cant wait to leave and see the world. we have to go into high school and live with more people and see what we can do. Like if we can drive and if we can get a job so we can live without your parents or with help from them.

      I would like to take the time to thank the staff, parents and some grandparents because without the staff or teachers putting up with us we couldn't be here and with parents and family helping us with the homework and just work so we can move on. We could live and see the world and go to college and get a degree and work and make money.

     My field is like a longboarder when we fall we get up and try, try again we live to the fullest so it is "the future lies before you, like a skater park; be careful how how you ride it, your cuts will show" this is the way i live the way i want to and i thank my family for being there when i messed up and cheering me on.

     This is what my life has been for a long time and i'm so happy that you can all help me so we can go on and live with a smart education we can do anything we set our minds to. I have to say we made it and i'm so happy for all of us. we can move on and have a happy ending.

     "The future lies before you, like a field of fallen snow; Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show."

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