After Everything

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Katherine and Keithan sat on the living room couch in quietness still shaken from all that happened with Angel.

"Sis, I still can't believe I killed somebody... Like, this is messing with me for real!" Keithan said sadly.

"Killing and murdering are two different things little bro. What you did was to save a life, and that's why your a free man right now! You have a universal right to protect yourself and your family, and what Angel did to me was Evil." Katherine stated.

"So why would you tell him you loved him when he was dying?" He asked her.

"Yea! I loved him, but he came in my room and took me, and I gave him plenty of chances to make things right, but he didn't want to. He would have never let me go bro... I would still be gone if you hadn't done what you did to free me."

"Yea, I know, but good thing I called that cop to file a missing person's to back up him kidnapping you because telling the real story would of gotten me locked up for life right now... No one would of believed us!" Keithan said.

"Yea that's what I was afraid of when he let me go, but I'm just glad you believed me no matter how crazy it sounded! You had my back, and for that your my hero! I love you so much little bro!" Katherine cried as she hugged her brother.

"Awe sis I love you too! I'll always have your back!" Keithan said while hugging her.

Soon after they went their separate ways for the night. Katherine went in her room, and closed the door then walked slowly to the window that Angel once sat in front of. Staring up at the heavens she sighed with relief that for once she didn't see him out there, but then again not seeing his face also made her feel sad... Even after all she went through with him, he still had her heart, and she could never forget his beautiful smile, and how he gazed so lovingly in her eyes.

"Oh, Angel..." she sighed. "Now I'm never gonna see you again... " She whispered aloud softly. Then she snuggled under her covers getting comfortable, and while closing her eyes finally at peace with no worries, she fell into a deep much needed sleep.

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