Chapter 1

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---Tsukiko's P.O.V---

This is it. I'm finally here. I've spent ages searching for my old crew, especially Meliodas. He's actually the leader, and my boyfriend. We've got some things to discuss, like how it's been literal years and he hasn't tried to contact me at all.

I walked into town, the breeze blowing my dark leather cape behind me.

I don't even need this damned thing. Nobody knows about the Eighth Sin, the Cat Sin of Curiosity.

As I stepped forward, I heard the shouting before I could see the people. There was a large crowd gathered. As I moved closer to see what was actually going on, a small child bumped past me. He was a boy, no older than about twelve with spiky blonde hair.

"What's with all this pathetic moaning and groaning, you guys? Some Holy Knight's sword stuck in the ground is nothing! This would be a piece of cake for my buddies, the Seven Deadly Sins." He shouted, grinning. I felt my dark ear twitch from under my cloak.

SEVEN Deadly Sins? Obviously he knows nothing.

He looked to be nothing more than a poor village boy anyways. He's probably lived his whole life in Vanya, experiencing nothing of the other world.

"That's enough, Mead! Whose fault do you think it is that we're in this fix?! Of all the things to say! Why bring up those criminals?" An elderly woman shouted at him.

"She's right! Don't make the Holy Knight any angrier!" A man added.

"Do you have a grudge against us?!" Another man shouted. Before I knew it, the whole crowd was shouting at the boy as he struggled to defend himself. I watched as a familiar head of blonde hair ushered the boy out of there.

Meliodas? It can't be. Was I truly right?

I pulled my dark leather cloak tighter around me and followed them back to a tavern atop a hill. Perfect! I could go for a drink right about now anyway.

I stood outside for a minute as I listened in on the conversation. It was uneventful, with Meliodas coaxing the boy to answer his questions with terrible food. I listened in as Meliodas asked about Eight Deadly Sins.

"Eight? But there are only seven!" The boy mumbled.

That's my cue.

I threw the door open. "Wrong. There are Eight."

I watched as Meliodas's eyes went from confused and interested to amazed and ecstatic.

"Tsuki! You're here! It's been a while, huh?" He grinned. I felt my face flush with anger. It's been years and THAT'S all he has to say?!

"Don't. Even. Start." I hissed at him through my teeth. "What's your deal, kid?" I asked him curiously.

"Who are you?" He narrowed his eyes at me. I crouched down to his height.

"Listen, when I was little, I was just like you. I always ran around with my friends and pulled dumb pranks. And then, something bad happened. As it usually does." My green eyes stared into his brown ones.

"What happened?" He asked nervously. I smiled.

"You tell me your story first." I tilted my head.

"Fine." He sighed, relenting. Good. "I don't lie and stuff to get a rise out of people, you know. My mom and dad were travelers. But when we made a stop at Vanya a few years ago, they both died from a disease. The people of the village took me in and raised me as their own. I was really happy. But I wasn't anybody's real family. I got jealous of everybody for having what I didn't. So I started lying and playing pranks." He explained, his eyes starting to overflow with tears. Behind me, a girl entered in the middle of his story. I wanted to turn and face her, but I didn't want to interrupt him.

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