Chapter 8

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---Tsuki's P.O.V---

We land. We jump through the cloud of dust we made and keep sprinting. My goal is to rescue Elizabeth, and help Ban if there's time. Nothing else. Remember, no mercy.

"Try to keep the fighting to a minimum." Meliodas orders. Fine.

"Yeah, but we can still kick a little ass while we're here, right Captain?" Ban smiles. That's more like it.

"Go straight for the kill." Meliodas orders. I grin. It's been awhile since I've done this. Let's see if I still have what it takes and more. They send attacks at us but Meliodas uses Full Counter. I take out my claws and make them longer. It's time. I slash through my opponents with no blood or anything. Easy prey. Just how I like it. We suddenly stop.

"Did they just give up or something? Wait, what's that strange magical power?" Ban asks. My eyes narrow.

"It appears to be coming from the other side of the castle." Gowther points out. We all head to Hendrickson's magic building. Meliodas and I fight the Holy Knights there. Gowther walks in front of us.

"Sacred Treasure, Double Bow Harlitt." He says and two light bows appear from his hands. Sacred Treasure?! Where was he hiding that thing?! "Rewrite Light!" Gowther says and sends beams of light into all our opponents. They drop their weapons and run up to us.

"Meliodas, my son!"

"Ban, I really missed you man!"

"Tsukiko, it's great that you've finally come home!" They yell out things like that. Huh?!

"The Holy Knights now view us as family members, lovers, or close friends, stopping them all in their tracks." Gowther explains.

"So you rewrote their memories?" I ask.

"Shh. It's nothing more than a stopgap. Once they notice the inconsistencies in their memories, they'll return to normal." Gowther shushes me. "Moreover, the memory of being put under the spell will be deleted." He continues.

"Don't you ever use that on us!" We yell.

"Okay." Gowther says. We sneak away. We sneak into the capital and hide behind a broken building.

"Okay, we managed to get into the capital but what do we do from here?" I ask.

"We can't just go around recklessly start battling in the city." Gowther points out.

"Aw man, I was really looking forwards to knocking some heads together." Ban whines. I shake my head. Me too, I guess.

"With all these Holy Knights around, trying to find Elizabeth isn't going to be easy." Meliodas points out too.

"Why don't we head to the castle? You know, it might be like one of those fairy tales where the princess is locked up in the dungeon underneath the castle." Ban suggests.

"Don't you mean at the top of a tower?" Gowther corrects.

"The castle, huh?" Meliodas agrees. We run up through side paths and back alleys to the castle. We hear a loud crash and stop.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Judging by the sound and vibration, it is 0.5 miles away. Between the south and palace gates." Gowther tells us.

"Come to think of it, weren't we just sensing someone with strong magical power just now?" I point out.

"It's faint, but I'm fairly positive that it's Hendrickson. Ten years ago, he was a holy knight who bore the title 'Platinum'." Gowther continues.

"That's enough. Let's go!" Meliodas says angrily and dashes off away from the castle.

"Huh? You mean we're not going to the castle?" Ban asks.

"If we're going to rescue Elizabeth, taking them all out would be the fastest way!" Meliodas yells and keeps running. I follow him. We stop to see Diane's Ground Gladius not too far away. Oh no.

"I'll help her. Make saving the princess a top priority." Gowther says.

"I'm going with Gowther. I can't abandon Diane, even when Elizabeth is involved." I turn away. "But promise me, you'll bring Elizabeth back safe." I look back at Meliodas with determination in my gaze. He nods and we run off. My stomach feels terrible and my ears perk up. Danger. Diane is in danger!

I arrive to see Diane on the ground covering a small boy and two Holy Knights protecting her. It's Guila and another guy. They look like they're in trouble. Just before GrandMaster Dreyfus kills Guila, Gowther rescues her. I run to Diane. I stroke her cheek.

"Diane, you're hurt." I say, sadness in my voice.

"It's alright. I'll be okay." She says.

"No, you won't." I sigh. "Just hang in there, okay?" I give her a fake smile, trying to be strong for her sake. Gowther introduces himself. He jumps down to face GrandMaster Dreyfus. He stabs Gowther through the chest. Gowther punches him.

"You talk too much." He says simply. He gets Dreyfus again. I almost cheer. That's our Gowther, as weird and impossible as always. Gowther touches Dreyfus at the same time as Dreyfus uses Piercing Stab, and they're both frozen. Gowther falls down, dead. I hold back a scream. They start to retreat and I jump out from Diane's arms.

"Dreyfus! I'll kill you." I hiss. He gives me a blank stare.

"Who are you again?" He asks me.

"Tsukiko, The Cat Sin of Curiosity!" I yell and lunge at him, my claws extending even more. I wish I had my sacred treasure. Oh well, I've still got a trick up my sleeve. My ace. I slash at Dreyfus, hitting him sometimes, but Gilthunder knocks me back. "Magical Ability: Pandora's Box!" I say and a small box full of powers that I've absorbed from people by accessing their memories fill the box. "I wonder which one I'll get." I say and reach my hand inside. I feel tons of pain. That's the price. I know which power this is. I throw my hands on the ground and creatures made of pure darkness race towards him. "Stolen Power: Darkness Creation!" I yell and the shadow monsters are about to rip him limb from limb but Dreyfus stabs me through the chest, and Gilthunder electrocutes me so bad that I think I'm going to die right now, sending me flying into Diane. Helbram sends a giant ice dagger at us and it goes through my side. My eyes start to close. He sends more but someone stops them. It's...King...

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