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"Nial- No, stop that. Come here!"

The mall was hell.

Liam and Niall had gone to the mall, in hopes of finding Niall some new clothes for his wardrobe.

There were lots of distractions at the mall.

Currently, Niall was chasing a toy helicopter as the clerk at the Small Electronics stand flew it around unenthusiastically, most likely hoping to grab someone's attention so they could buy it.

It certainly caught Niall's attention.

"Li, l-look! Go so up!" The hybrid giggled as he watched the small toy glide up to the mall ceiling before coming back down again gracefully.

"Yeah, I know, lovely. Now c'mon, we aren't done shopping yet." Liam said, grabbing Niall's wrist and leading the curious boy away from the stand.

They had already been at the mall for almost an hour and they hadn't bought a single thing, Niall kept getting distracted by every little thing imaginable. First a dog, - which he was scared of, naturally - then a perfume store because he wanted to smell literally everything, then by someone playing a saxophone, and now finally the toy helicopter.

Other than being easily distracted, Niall was fairly easy to keep track of. The hybrid was extremely shy. If he wasn't running around marveling at everything, he was clinging to Liam's side and mewling softly as he buried his face into the human's shoulder. Not that Liam minded much, despite what he might say out loud. He actually found it quite adorable.

In fact, now that nothing had the blond's attention, he was already pressed up against Liam's side again.

Most people ignored the two as they walked through the mall, though a few snickered and purposely shoved past the hybrid.

"Move it, freak." Grumbled one man as he sped by, which only caused Niall to shrink even more in an attempt to make himself invisible. He forgot how horrible the world truly was to people like him.

"Ignore them. I don't want you sad, yeah? I wanna see your smile. Those guys are... Well they're just jerks. Don't know what they're talking about." Liam whispered, feeling bad for the poor blond. He never did anything wrong and yet here he was being shoved and muttered at.

Niall only gave a slight nod of his head, his eyes glued to the ground.

"Hey, look, let's go into this store and go shopping, yeah? You ever heard of Forever 21? It's mostly for girls but it's got a huge men's section as well."

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