Swimming in Candy

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It was the crack of dawn when America felt himself being nudged,

"10 more minutes" he slurred

"No dude sorry, England said it was time for breakfast. Besides today's the day we go to that school of his." Spoke a distinctly Danish accent,

America sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes and reaching for Texas. Placing them on his face, he slowly followed Denmark down the stairs,

"Based on the fact that the house hasn't burnt down, I guessing Iggy didn't cook?"

"No, I'm pretty sure Prussia did though."

"Wait, what?" America

"Yeah, I know. Who knew the dude could cook while he was out there handing Russia's ass to him?"

They entered the kitchen and sure enough, their on the table was platters of pancakes, syrup and breakfast sausages. England was reading a newspaper while Prussia was sitting there, eagerly looking at his plate.

"Did I somehow teleport to Mattie's?"

"Might as well have." Denmark mumbled

"Vhat are you guys doing? Zhe food gonna get cold!" Prussia exclaimed at them,

Denmark and America sat down, England put away his newspaper and took a small creamer of condensed milk and poured it into his tea. America watched. Tea, the cause of so many memories within such a simple drink. He shook his head and started layering piles of pancakes and sausages onto his plate. Pouring a bit of syrup onto the plate, he dug in. One bite into the pancake though, he discovered them to have apples within.

"What kind of pancakes are these dude?"

"Vell, zhey're not found in any cookbook. Your bruder taught me how to make his and zhen I took mein bruder's German Pancake recipe and combined them, alzhough this are more like Mattie's I vill admit, vhy?"

"There amazing dude!"

"Not amazing, Awesome! As awesome as zhe awesome me" Prussia said.

They mostly ate in silence, enjoying the succulent sausages, and the fluffy German-Canadian pancakes. They were nearly done when England looked down at his watch,

"Hurry up and get dressed, we have an hour and a half till the train leaves and it's nearly an hour drive with the morning traffic"

Prussia stayed behind to clean up while America went up with Denmark to get changed. America entered the room he had been staying at. He eyed his beloved Aviator jacket, along with his wallet. Reaching inside the jacket he felt the gun within, a Colt 1911 that he had had for a long time. The wallet, along with his phone wouldn't do him any good for where was going. He opened his trunk and put his jacket, phone and wallet at the bottom before digging out a t-shirt (with Batman on it) and a pair of jeans. Slipping his converses on, he heard England yell from somewhere below. Latching the trunk, he easily picked it up and started carrying it downstairs. When he got to the bottom, the others were already there, Prussia in a checkered hoodie, Denmark in a simple blue v-neck and England in a bland dark green polo. England had gathered their two new cats and but them in a basket together, apparently the two cats did not like the arrangement.

"Come on, the taxicab's already here" Britain spoke

"Why are we taking a taxi? Don't you have your own car?" The American asked confused,

"Yes, but I'm not coming back, I also have a train to catch"

"Vhatever, can ve just go?" Prussia asked impatiently

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