The Worst Beggining Ever.

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Mark's P.O.V.

Everything started with a knock on my door.I obviously didn't want to open,since it was Friday,and Fridays are for resting.But anyways,my parents were out and I was completly alone,so I decided to put my shoes on,take a light coat I found on my bed,and walk down the sairs.Walk,if you can call that walk.I was dragging my feet step by step,without lifting any time.

An insisten RIIIINGGGG could be heard,and I had to put my hands on my ears so I didn't get deaf.I opened the door a little and looked outside,inspecting whoever decided it was a good idea to bother me.On Friday.

The thing was,the ones who decided that this was a good moment to bother me,were my friends.A little about them,or as I have the archive in my brain,would be something like this:



14 years.

Brown eyes,brown eyes.

Too short for too much ego.

Class clown.

Best friend.



13 years,about to turn 14.

Green eyes,short dark brown hair.

Too sweet for the dumbass Dan was(no,I don't have a crush on her.I'm not that of a jerk).

Innocent like a three-year-old.

Good friend.




Curly red hair,blu-ish eyes.Glasses.

A complete stand-by.

Doesn't have an idea of anything.Computer genious.



13 and a half(o so he says).

Black hair,brown eyes.

He's in love with the TV. They make a horrible couple(don't tell him I said that.I mean,thought that.I mean...Well,you get the point).
The tallest guy I've ever seen in my entire life.He gets bad notes,but not the worst.He has Spanish complexion,and so his family,but he said he decended from Italians(that's the reason of the name).




Blonde,curly and beautiful hair,the most amazing gray eyes in the entire world.

She's the smarter person in the whole school(including the teachers).She's my best friend who is a girl(girlfriend,you could say).

She's beatiful.She's my crush since two the last year.

And she isn't here.

Wait,what?I came back to reality with a slap on the face.

-Agh!Dude,why did you do that?!-I asked Dan.He shrugged with indiference.

-You didn't came back with the water,so...

-THE WHAT?!-I asked,looking at myself.I wasn't wet at all.

-Relax-said Shila-.He was just being annoying.

I ignored the "Hey!" from Dan,and told them to come in.

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